Federation Artificial Portal Federation Artificial Portal

(13 votes)
vt1032, 2003-03-22

Nice version of a transwarp type gate - another great design from vt1032

Readme File:
fgate Station (Artifical Portal)

fgateXX.SOD into \sod -folder
miolo.SOD into \sod -folder
fgateXX.odf into \odf\stations -folder
wborgate2.odf into \odf\Other - folder
all tgas into textures\rgb -folder

this file contains a buildbutton, some weapon-buttons and one wireframe as well..so you need to edit
your gui.global.spr of your \sprites -folder

search for the federation-buildbutton section and ad the followin line:
b_fgate gbfgate 0 0 64 64

And finaly


# Ship Wireframes
# Federation wireframes


and add following lines:

fgatew1 fedwf18 128 0 128 128

no you have to open the tech1.tt and Fulltech from your \techtree - folder
and add these lines:
in Stations ###

fgate.odf 0 // Artificial WormHole

now open fConstXX.odf from \odf\Ships -folder
and search for builditem-section
now add the following under the last entry
builditemXX = "fgate"

(replace XX with a build-slot..that means if the last entry says buildbutton6 = "something" replace XX with 7 )


Original Design by B5
Mesh by Vt1023
ODF... by everyon
textures Activsion and everyon
Armada conversion by VT1032

Conditions of use
* As with any free mesh on the web, you CANNOT use them for commercial purposes.
* You should not publish them in any way without crediting the author. I have put allot of work in modeling/texturing this mesh for you, and this is the only thing I ask in return.
* Commercial use of this mesh (selling it, placing it on a CD for sale, using it in any form of advertising etc.) is strictly prohibited.
* Permissions for conversion of the meshes to game formats will be granted assuming I will be notified BEFORE any releases! Not after! Also, I hold the right to intervene and even stop a release if the outcome of the conversion is not up to the generally established quality standards.
Further more, when you release the converted model in your project you agree to include this document along with your project's documentation as well as credits to the creator(s) in your project's documentation.

I guess that's it
Thank you for downloading this model
Have Fun

Free Community ..... Free the Mesh ...


Version    Author  vt1032  Website   
Downloads  1,746  Size  235.50 KB  Created  2003-03-22 



#11 armad2 2004-06-15 13:41
i figured out the problem the weapon it uses shouldnt have a 2 unless that weapon was forgot to be put in.
#12 Deathbyteacup 2004-06-15 21:26
WinRAR can open Rar, Zip, Tar, GZIP Tar and BZIP Tar files aswell as an awfull lot of other types of archive files. WinRAR will open this archive. But i use power archiver, that opens it all and is alot better then winrar IMO.
#13 Prometheus16 2006-07-30 17:08
why thats the jumpgate from babylon 5!
#14 Karle94 2007-03-18 05:14
Can any one tell me how to move ships throug this portal

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