Copernicus Station
This is the Copernicus station by shadow_from_afc as seen in 'Star Trek: Borg Invasion 4D' (USA) / 'Star Trek: Borg Encounter' (Germany). I remember seeing this station on screen under attack by the Borg when i was in the Space Center Bremen in Germany...
Anyway, a really great design, much different from all the other Federation stations I have seen yet. I must say that shadow has done a perfect job in recreating this station for Armada 2.
Ingame it is acting as an additional armed research station. Only problem could be the high poly count of the station, at least for slower systems.
If you like rare official designs: download ASAP! Check the readme for more background information...
- TParis
Hi there,
this is the Copernicus station from Star Trek the Experience, a show / theme park running in Las Vegas.
Since the show was produced by the makers of Voyager and also Capt. Janeway and the Doctor can be seen on screen I consider this station as cannon.
You can find some additional reference material on the last DVD of the Voyager Season 7 Pack.
In the short movie it depicts a science station in earth orbit, where the federation looks for new defences against the borg and their assimilation process.
Well, I liked the station and wanted it for some art and graphics work.
Due to that it has a very high poly count (8724 Triangles ), well that and it´s quiet complicated form not to forget.
Later I converted it to SOD- format and used it as an alternative science station in Armada2.
It worked fine on my computer , so I think I share it with the community.
I could not test it with a slower / older computer so use it at your own risk. I have no way to find out if it will slow down yours. So use with care.
The Station
The station has:
9 Hardpoints dedicated to the weapons (HP01 - HP09 in the odf)
6 internal Hardpoints for research pods (HP10 - HP15) just in case you want to hide the pods, since almost all of them will destroy the look of the station
6 external Hardpoints at the top of each satellite for research pods (HP16 - HP21) and 6 pods for external use to go with them.
The 6 research pods I have included are copies of the engine overload pod from Armada2 and will form a nice cupola on top of the satellites.
Station in game 3.jpg shows the station with the 6 external pods.
Their odf´s and build buttons are plain and empty, you have to modify them for yourself.
The SOD is prepared to work either as a base-station or a research station. So you can make your own choice.
According ODF´s are included.
Fcopernicus_b is the file for the base station.
Fcopernicus_s is the file for the science station
Base Station is scaled larger so the ships are build within the hangar. Change ScaleSOD to the value you need for your ships.
To the Wireframe:
Due to the form of the station it is not possible to make a decent looking working Wireframe.
So it is just a picture. Hope you can live with that. Otherwise, well, just make your own.
Should any problem arise with this station, you can send me a PM here or at
Now that the unlocked importer plug-in is being released, I have to update the conditions under which you can use my models.
My work can be used in other persons mods if they give proper credit in the read me, under the condition that this mod stays non commercial and is not uploaded to any form of paysite.
There are only 2 websites where I publish my work.
You may not upload my work to any other website as singular files.
You are not allowed to take my models change them in any form and re-release them.
You are not allowed to use my models in any form of kitbash, neither the model as a whole nor parts of it. I will never allow my work to be misused for that.
If you want to port my models to any other game and release it, you have to ask for permission first.
I like to know where my stuff is going around
Copy all .tga-files into Armada2 / Textures / RGB
Copy the .sod-file into Armada2 / SOD
Copy the .odf-file into Armada2 / ODF / Stations
Copy the .bmp-file into Armada2 / bitmaps / Admiralslog / Shipimages
Go to Armada2 / techtree
Open and and insert:
fcopernicus.odf 0
fedpod71.odf 0
fedpod72.odf 0
fedpod73.odf 0
fedpod74.odf 0
fedpod75.odf 0
fedpod76.odf 0
Go to Armada2 / Sprites
Open gui_global.spr
Insert the lines
# Federation build buttons
b_fcopernicus gbfcopernicus 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod71 gbfedpod71 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod72 gbfedpod72 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod73 gbfedpod73 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod74 gbfedpod74 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod75 gbfedpod75 0 0 64 64
b_fedpod76 gbfedpod76 0 0 64 64
# Ship Wireframes
fcopernicusw1 Copernicuswf 0 0 256 256
fcopernicusw2 Copernicuswf 0 0 256 256
fcopernicusw3 Copernicuswf 0 0 256 256
fcopernicusw4 Copernicuswf 0 0 256 256
fcopernicusw5 Copernicuswf 0 0 256 256
Have fun Shadow.
Version | Author | shadow_from_afc | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,257 | Size | 2.34 MB | Created | 2007-10-12 |
(It's sad that Space center was decomissioned back in 2004 before I was able to visit it
It is finally here! This station is a must have, really great design, I'm happy to have it for the game
and can clearly remember the Borg 4D atraction. if you live anywhere in N. America, i highly encouage you to go.
P.S. i especialy liked that borg keep assimalating your guides