Monak Shipyard Monak Shipyard

(6 votes)
Operative34997, 2005-03-30

Here is the latest from Operative34997, A more DS9 looking cardie starbase, and the Monak Shipyard. The multi-repair worked, but the AI kept getting confused so ultimately, it was scrapped.

******First, back up any files that are to altered or overwritten.*******

Now, first, find these lines in the gui_global.spr file and delete them.

cbasew1 cardwireframe04 0 144 48 48
cbasew2 cardwireframe04 48 144 48 48
cbasew3 cardwireframe04 96 144 48 48
cbasew4 cardwireframe04 144 144 48 48
cbasew5 cardwireframe04 192 144 48 48

Now add this line under the Cardassian wireframes lines:


Next, place these lines under that one:

cbasew1 cbasewf 0 0 128 128
cbasew2 cbasewf 0 0 128 128
cbasew3 cbasewf 0 0 128 128
cbasew4 cbasewf 0 0 128 128
cbasew5 cbasewf 0 0 128 128

Also add these lines under the ones above:

cyardw1 cyard4wf 0 0 128 128
cyardw2 cyard4wf 0 0 128 128
cyardw3 cyard4wf 0 0 128 128
cyardw4 cyard4wf 0 0 128 128
cyardw5 cyard4wf 0 0 128 128

Lastly, find this line:

b_cbase gbcbase 0 0 64 64

And place this line underneath it:

b_cyard4 gbcyard4 0 0 64 64

That's it for the sprites. After that just place the files into the appropriate folders. Then go into each of the tech trees
and make the following entry:

cyard4.odf 1 cresear2.odf // Monak Shipyard

Then, add cyard4 as one of the items in the cardassian contruction ship .odf file.
After that, just put whatever ships you want the yard to build into cyard4.odf menu.

The Monak Shipyard was done completely by me using stock Armada II cyard2.tga file(enhanced by me). The Starbase was done by
me except for the five "points" those were used from the stock cardie starbase. Stock textures enhanced by me as well.

If you would like to use this mod, please give me credit for my work and if you don't mind, please ask me as well. Thanks.


Version    Author  Operative34997  Website   
Downloads  1,079  Size  370.32 KB  Created  2005-03-30 



#11 Admiral_Carter 2009-09-04 10:53
Does this shipyard support a multi-BUILD function???

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