Cardassian Quantum Facility Starbase
Remember this?
It was seen in the final Klingon mission in SP...and that's it.
Luke modified the odf, and now it functions as a standard Cardassian Starbase
To Install the Quantum Facility Starbase do the following
Extract the files into the folder that has got this zip file in
then go into that folder and copy everything in it and paste them
into your Star Trek Armada II directory
Then You will the Quantum Facility Starbase
if you are having any trouble with it please contact me at
Version | Author | lucas1988 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,001 | Size | 85.33 KB | Created | 2002-10-13 |
1. Be able to build it as a separate/new station.
2. Be able to build Kulinor Class Science Vessels from the station.
3. Maybe have it's own modified Quantum Singularity weapon where it gates in 8 of the 8472 Battleships AND 1 Frigate.
4. Have it's own Wireframe AND Build Button instead of using the Starbase's.
Plus the fact that I start off with this thing as a Starbase ticks me off. How do I fix it? If you can figure out a way to fix this PLEASE E-mail me at:
Other than that ussrelativity was right: it was excellently made.