New-Old Yards New-Old Yards

(9 votes)
8of5, 2002-06-27

This mod is for all those who prefered the borg shipyards in a1 over a2. This replaces them so that the ones from a1 are now your builders of distruction

####New-Old Yards by 8of5####

This mod very simply changes the current A2 Borg yards into the much nicer old A1 Borg yards.
I simpley took the SOD\'s from A1 and made new buttons and Admirals logs images.
To install put the SOD\'s in the SOD directory
~ Buttons in the Textures\\RGB directory
~ Admirals log images in the bitmaps\\AdmiralsLog\\ShipImages directory
~ odf\'s in the odf/stations directory


The only problems I\'ve had is that the repair point on the Advanced yard is lightly off
center (If you know how to fix it please tell me) and my buttons look desorted (but I
think this may be a problem with my PC)

The Advanced Yard may be scaled to big because I have made my cubes larger if so you can
change the scaling by opening the odf scrolling down to the bottom and changeing the line
//change the scale
ScaleSOD = 3
To something smaller 1 or 1.5, depends on the scaling of your cubes!


Sorry if there are any problems but I doupt I can help and will not be held responsable (but
I sujest that you make backups of the files you replace)


If you want to use these in your mod go right ahead
If you wish to contact me email
Sorry there are no wire frames but I cant make them if anyone makes them I would be very
greatful if you sent them to me.

Version    Author  8of5  Website   
Downloads  1,420  Size  330.50 KB  Created  2002-06-27 



#1 edtheborg 2003-01-23 21:20
Nice mod, always liked the old yards better.

#2 8472_of_borg 2003-12-16 17:40
Same here the old ones are the best.

:borg: :borg: :borg:
#3 Jaahb 2005-12-21 18:15
i didnt lik the borg full stop in armada 2. these stations r way better
#4 USS_Mouse 2006-02-02 13:53
Now that is what Im talking about :borg: :thumbsup: :borg:
#5 Pinky_20 2006-03-22 03:39
the borg stations in a2 look like a bunch of sheet metal welded on angles. not very borg like at all.
#6 inugorillaz64 2006-08-07 10:39
How did I manage to overlook this file until now? I've browsed through the stations for over a year now. I guess I just never looked at the Borg stations. Great job, I can't wait to download. I hate the A2 stations for the Borg, the A1 ones look so much better. The shipyards and the nexus I always like better on A1.
#7 cardassio 2008-06-12 03:49
I all so thort the A1 borg station are better than A2 is there any way to convert all A2 borg stations to the old A1 borg stations?
#8 PhotonTorpedoBoy2009 2008-11-18 00:34
this game rocked execpt for the end, after the defeat of species 8472 , the federation & borg part ways without even a battle...lame ending
#9 Wolfis_52 2008-12-21 00:55
Just one thing... do these shipyards have sections for the team colour?

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