Borg Transwarp Hub Borg Transwarp Hub

(8 votes)
Sherman2, 2004-10-14

Do you know about that Borg speical weapon, the transwarp gate? Well, this is an extension on that weapon. Now you can have mutliple gates open without building mutliple stations, and you don't have to download a big mod to do it. How, you ask? Well here it is. A sized down version of the transwarp hub as seen on T.V.(Endgame, Pt.II) It builds hubs like a research station bulids pods. I think it's worth its size in download.

by Sherman2
No Credits this ones mine.
this isn't built on a planet iy's space based
but you can still recreate the last episode of Voyager.

you must select each gate seperately or this is just a massive hunk of thing.


bthub.odf 0
gate1.odf 0
gate2.odf 1 gate1.odf
gate3.odf 1 gate2.odf
gate4.odf 1 gate3.odf
gate5.odf 1 gate4.odf
gate6.odf 1 gate5.odf
gate7.odf 1 gate6.odf
gate8.odf 1 gate7.odf
gate9.odf 1 gate8.odf
gate10.odf 1 gate9.odf
gate11.odf 1 gate10.odf
gate12.odf 1 gate11.odf

into tech1.odf
(don't mess with this or the hub won't look right!)


b_hubgate gbbsuperbl 0 0 64 64
b_bthub gbbsuperbl 0 0 64 64

into gui_global.spr
add it to a construction ship and start transwarping

Version  1.0  Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  2,583  Size  351.66 KB  Created  2004-10-14 



#21 Captain_Karrde 2004-12-08 04:35
Everything looks great, fantastic station. But when I use it, the buttons to build the hub and the gates are gray. How do I fix this? Again great work 10/10 :borg:
#22 borgfreak282 2005-01-12 14:37
can somebody help me fine the "tech1.odf" file that i am supposed to put those lines into...i cannot find it anywhere on my computer
#23 Andrew_Of_Borg 2005-02-27 07:26
At the bottom of the Borg stations section in in the techtree directory, tap it in, there, done!
#24 Admiral_zelshowka 2005-03-13 14:23
I'm new to modding my game so i was first wondering how do i insert lines into a file? I consider myself to be quite smart but i have no idea what to/ where to type in to add this to the construction ship.
#25 Admiral_zelshowka 2005-03-13 14:28
I'm new to modding my game so i was first wondering how do i insert lines into a file? I consider myself to be quite smart but i have no idea what to/ where to type in to add this to the construction ship.
#26 darksideplayer 2006-02-13 05:45
what line do you add to the construction ship to get it working?
#27 Mystery_of_Darkness 2008-09-23 12:25
Okay, I have the build-button for the station itself and it does fine.

But there are no buttons to build the gates. In no menue, neither the basic menue when I click the station (like with the researches in the research stations), nor in any other.

#28 scottsborg 2008-10-02 07:28
Hey all i am having trouble with the construction ship to get it to build the transwarp hub and there is nothing on the menu either could some one help me out please
#29 mulege 2009-05-03 01:43
OK in the armadad 2 map editor you can overlay objects on top of eachother and addjust their direction so what I did was open the editor put about 9 Transwarp conduit special weapons and overlayed them on top of eachother so the appeared connected I also opened conduits around the map so that they can go everywhere I am hopping to relese this map soon so yay PS the conduits will be set to team 0
#30 Brian_William 2010-04-24 00:49

I am building this station in single play but when I build it I cannot see the button for activating the borg wormhole.

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