Thunderbirds international rescue pack Thunderbirds international rescue pack

(5 votes)
mash1971, 2008-09-22

A full set of Thunderbird ships here for all you Thunderbird fans, as well as those of you who appreciate wooden dialogue. That is to say, dialogue between puppets made of wood and..... yeah, I'll show myself out.

Thunderbirds are GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


!!!!!!!!!!!THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!!!!!!!!!!


all the files are in their respective folders.

the mole and pod folders are in the thunderbird 2 folder


put sod files in the sod folder

put tga files in the textures/rgb folder

put bmp files in the bitmaps/admirals log/ ships folder

put thunderbird1.odf, thunderbird2.odf, thunderbird3.odf, thunderbird4.odf , thunderbird5.odf,

themole.odf and constthunderbird2.odf in the odf/ships folder

put sthunderbird2constphys.odf in the odf/other folder

put gmoleDreadnaughto.odf and gmoleDreadnaught.odf in the odf/special weapons folder

put tb2pod1.odf , tb2pod2.odf , tb2pod3.odf, tb2pod4.odf , tb2pod5.odf and tb2pod6.odf in the odf/stations folder

open techtree folder

open the tech 1 file

under federation ships

put these lines

thunderbird1.odf 0
thunderbird2.odf 0
thunderbird3.odf 0
thunderbird4.odf 0
themole.odf 0

under federation stations

put theses lines

thunderbird5.odf 0
tb2pod1.odf 0
tb2pod2.odf 0
tb2pod3.odf 0
tb2pod4.odf 0
tb2pod5.odf 0
tb2pod6.odf 0

save file.

in the same folder

open the full tech file

put these lines

thunderbird1.odf 0
thunderbird2.odf 0
thunderbird3.odf 0
thunderbird4.odf 0
thunderbird5.odf 0
themole.odf 0
tb2pod1.odf 0
tb2pod2.odf 0
tb2pod3.odf 0
tb2pod4.odf 0
tb2pod5.odf 0
tb2pod6.odf 0

save file.

open the sprite folder

open the gui global file

under federation build buttons

put these lines

b_thunderbird1 gbtb1 0 0 64 64
b_thunderbird2 gbtb2 0 0 64 64
b_thunderbird3 gbtb3 0 0 64 64
b_thunderbird4 gbtb4 0 0 64 64
b_thunderbird5 gbtb5 0 0 64 64
b_themole gbthemole 0 0 64 64
b_tb2pod1 gbffreight 0 0 64 64
b_tb2pod2 gbfcargo 0 0 64 64
b_tb2pod3 gbfconst 0 0 64 64
b_tb2pod4 gbtb4 0 0 64 64
b_tb2pod5 gbfsrepair 0 0 64 64
b_tb2pod6 gbthemole 0 0 64 64

under federation wireframes

under the line @reference=128

put these line

thunderbird1w1 wfthunderbird01 0 0 128 128
thunderbird2w1 wfthunderbird02 0 0 128 128
thunderbird3w1 wfthunderbird03 0 0 128 128
thunderbird4w1 wfthunderbird04 0 0 128 128

tb2pod1w1 wfpod 0 0 128 128
tb2pod2w1 wfpod 0 0 128 128
tb2pod3w1 wfpod 0 0 128 128
tb2pod4w1 wfpod 0 0 128 128
tb2pod5w1 wfpod 0 0 128 128
tb2pod6w1 wfpod 0 0 128 128

under the line @reference=512

put this line

thunderbird5w1 wfthunderbird05 0 0 512 512

save file.

open fconst.odf in the odf/ships folder

builditem** = "thunderbird5"

save file.


Version    Author  mash1971  Website   
Downloads  300  Size  11.60 MB  Created  2008-09-22 



#1 thunderfoot006 2008-09-22 17:21
Sweet! Thank You! D/Ling now!
#2 mash1971 2008-09-23 01:51
i take my hat off to those who can do texturing its very hard when you have to take pics from a tv and have zero art talent such as myself but im quite pleased with tb1

what software do people use to make textures and where do they source the pics?

anyway i might do the eagle from space1999 as thats on the tele now and they move slow compared with thunderbirds
#3 delta_dids 2008-09-23 03:57
Normally I only add ships to my install that match the species, i.e S31 or Klingon etc etc etc, but Thunderbirds just has to go in somewhere.

Great effort, 9/10 d/ling now!
#4 Adam_Kitchin 2008-09-24 15:25
Sweet pack :D

Thunderbird 1 Looks the best IMO. I use a mix between Fireworks and Paint Shop Pro to create my textures, the models look sound, appart from the front of TB2 and the nose of TB3. Do 3 and 5 'Fuse' lol

If you wanna get technical you could have TB2 'seperate' for the POD and have the POD build the TB4 with a door opening build animation would be sweet :-)

Hats down dude :-)
#5 mash1971 2008-09-25 02:48
i tried that with no sucess ,i managed to get tb2 to drop the pod below but the pod wouldnt build without tb2 decommisioning itself, for this you have to change the build hardpoint to hp06

and change the include line in tb2 odf file

apart from tb1 which only took 2 hours to do from scratch the others were a nightmare

especially tb2, i used paint and nero photo editor for the textures which is limited at best , i captured images of the ships from the tv but the strings made them useless so i got some online

as for the fusing of 3 and 5 i didnt have a clue as to making that happen

any ideas why the mole wireframe and build button dont show?
#6 exodus_499 2008-09-26 09:38

You're my hero man :D

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