Wraith Hiveship Wraith Hiveship

(13 votes)
draconis_sharp, 2006-08-24

Size matters, especially when a Daedalus is tiny compared to this beast. Got to admit though, she's certainly a fine looking beast.

The well demanded Hiveship has some sterling textures and a mesh that is befitting of them. It really will help now for any re-enactments you wish to do from the series. My suggestion, for those who have and want, is to get this building Wraith Darts. That way you could have a fully fledged battle, providing of course you chuck in some F-302's. The possibilities are huge. In fact, this mod is so good, the only thing it doesn't come with is an admiral's pic, which is ludicrously easy to make.

What really will get the user though are the nice details. The very good looking blue pulses seen in the screenshot ARE included in this pack. There's a buildbutton, scaled to fit and a wireframe that takes it that step further with perhaps a literal approach to "wire". In terms of an overall mod package, this is one of the best I've seen for a while, combining details, content and sheer good looks.

Stargate fans, beware. A big bad ship has come to wipe out Atlantis. Think you can take this on?

-=Wraith Hiveship v1.0a=-

I've released this ship well ahead of my schedule; I do not want any criticism this
time as I already know that it needs work. Expect v1.0b sometime in the near future.

Everything's here, but you'll need to add these lines to your weapons sprite file:

# Wraith Pulse
wraithpulse wwraithpulse 0 0 512 128

...and these lines to your gui_global:

# Stargate Ship Wireframes

#Wraith wireframes
whiveshipw1 whiveshipwf 0 0 128 128

# Wraith build buttons
b_whiveship gbwhiveship 0 0 64 64

That's it, you should be set. Of course, you'll still need to add it to a station
in order to build it. This is quite a bit simpler, so I won't go into it.


Jeffery Drake (aka, draconis_sharp)

Version  1.0  Author  draconis_sharp  Website   
Downloads  3,232  Size  781.12 KB  Created  2006-08-24 



#41 bovb902 2010-01-24 03:23
Peanut i got a little problem the hive does move really slow but wheres the the file ur meaning

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