Replicator Ship Replicator Ship

(8 votes)
ColdDarkParanoia, 2006-05-06

Circa Season 8, the Replicator's began their campaign into the Milky Way for consumption of the advanced technologies of the Goa'uld and then, of the Humans. Fortuneately, our plucky SG-1 team was able to stop them (hurrah!) and this ship was the common Replicator ship used. Mesh wise, for the low amount of poly's it is (792 for those interested) it means that you will be able to have a good horde of these and I do believe it's pretty accurate. The "blue" of the texture seems about right and the texture seems accurate bar I beleived that it was slightly darker, more of a black rather then of a grey.

Generally, a very nicely done ship containing a buildbutton and admiral's pic, though I think the latter could be improved with a space background rather then the grey of the programme background. Other then that, a good job on what looks like to be a job well done!

Wraith Dart v1.0

replicator ship Technologically advanced "bugs," Replicators are programmed
by their creators with only one objective: self replication. Anything and everything
that interferes with this plan of infestation, annihilation and duplication is immediately
at risk. These replicator blocks and fused themselves together to form a ship!"

- Add the repship1.odf to the /odf/ships folder
- Add the repship1.sod to the /sod folder
- Add the replicatornet.tga, replutactorhull.tga and gbrepship1.tga to the /textures/rgb folder
- Add the repship1.bmp to /bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder
- Add the following lines to sprites/gui_global.spr
b_repship1 gbrepship1 0 0 128 128

(if you would like a white blob where the wireframe should be instead of nothing that add this line)
dartw1 gbdart 0 0 128 128

- Add the following line to techtree/ and fulltech

repship1.odf 0

- Add the following line to the station that you wish your replicator ship to be build from odf/stations/(station of choice).odf

buildItemX = "repship1"

remember to replace X with the next number in the sequence.

Mod Usage:

feel free to uses these files in any mods you want to just give me the credit,
i can be reached at tho this isn't nessersery if you want to use the file. just give me the credit.

all these file's are my own work not activisions and they can't be held resonsible for it ect.. you know the rest.

Version    Author  ColdDarkParanoia  Website   
Downloads  1,559  Size  942.34 KB  Created  2006-05-06 



#1 KevinJohnson 2006-05-06 13:44
awsom a replicater ship finaly somone made it
#2 ColdDarkParanoia 2006-07-22 09:12
glad u like it ;-)
#3 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-11-27 23:56
I Made Used It to Make a Replicator Team In My Game, By Makeing Each on Of These Ships Capible O Building Another, They Make A Great Unstoppable Foe

Good Model

#4 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-11-27 23:59
Sorry To Double Post

You Could Make A Spider Ship For Colonizing, Using The Same Textures
#5 homiemandude 2006-12-10 09:29
its too small :sad:
#6 umopapisdn 2007-08-10 05:24
How do you make it able to create more ships?
#7 bovb902 2010-01-11 08:53
damn it doenst work so awsome that i thinked MAH SHIP BLEW UP :cry:

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