Goa'uld Needle Threader
Finally! Now you can have fighter vs. fighter action with the Tau'ri fighters and this, the Goa'uld Needle Threader fighter. Whilst bigger than the standard fighter, this one is easier to target but naturally, packs that bit more of a punch. Whilst not seen too often in SG-1, these were dis-continued old fighters that were about a century old and coming to the end of their use for the Goa'uld. Of course, don't expect to take on any capital ships with this...as you'll most likely die. Instead, take a swarm of these and flood the enemy defences with them while the larger and more powerful Ha'tak's can take down the target.
In terms of the mod itself, it's up to usual Greathor and co. standard. Comes with very nice admirals pic, build button and wireframe along with one set of textures (which I must say, do look a little 'washy' on the close ups) and a very-close-to-canon mesh, this will be ideal for anyone wishing to expand their Goa'uld side, albeit on the more miniature side of things. Stargate fans, this would be a fun download for you. Non-Stargate fans...want a good looking fighter?
| Needle Threader Installation Read-me |
| Read-me created by: |
| wraith_shadow |
Step 1 -
Add the needle.odf to the /odf/ships folder
Step 2 -
Add the needle.sod to the /sod folder
Step 3 -
Add the following files to the /textures/rgb folder
Step 4 -
Add the needle.bmp to /bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages folder
Step 5 -
Add the following lines to "sprites/gui_global.spr" below,
" @reference=64
@tmaterial=interface "
b_needle gbneedle 0 0 64 64
(if the buttons doesn't appear properly then change the last two numbers to 128)
Step 6 -
Add the following lines to "sprites/gui_global.spr" below,
" # Federation wireframes "
needlew1 wneedle 40 0 40 40
needlew2 wneedle 0 40 40 40
needlew3 wneedle 40 40 40 40
needlew4 wneedle 80 0 40 40
needlew5 wneedle 0 0 40 40
(if there is already a "@reference=128", just start copying at needlew1)
Step 7 -
Add the following line to techtree/tech1.tt and fulltech
needle.odf 0
Step 8 -
Add the following line to the station that you wish your Needle Threader to be build from
odf/stations/(station of choice).odf
buildItemX = "needle"
remember to replace X with the next number in the sequence.
Version | Author | Greathor | Website | ||
Downloads | 796 | Size | 310.17 KB | Created | 2006-09-20 |
this isnt true, the one seen in stargate was over 100 years old and the model had been discontinued