Goa'uld Hatak
Well, as I said some time ago, come May, I'd 'release' a bunch of stuff that I had lying about on my Computer. This is one such item though is still incomplete. The model, the textures, the hardpoints, the weapon textures, a build button and screenshots are all included.
However, for those of you that wish to actually 'use' this in your game, you shall have to do a bit of work yourself. The actual 'stats' of the .odf file need filling in, and a Wireframe will need to be created. Likewise, as I've said, there is a weapon texture provided. There is no 'actual' weapon. I've tried a few attempts, but could never get it right, so gave up.
I did have bigger hopes for this, I did have planned a rather big release, covering all of the Goa'uld System Lords, and their specific ships, along with a Goa'uld Starbase, and Shipyard to build them, but I simply haven't got the time to fulfil any more of this.
Anyway, strange that I seem to have given my own file a 'fairly' negative Description, but I might as well tell the truth when I say I got lazy, and couldn't be bothered to complete it due to time restrictions and etc. Anyway, I'm sure many will have fun with this.
PS: Please don't e-mail me asking how to get it working in game. I obviously haven't had the time to complete it, so e-mailing me asking for help is only going to annoy me.
- Ash
The Goa'uld
- Ha'tak
Starship Information
Ha'tak Class:
A Goa'uld mothership, tetrahedral in shape. Ha'taks facilitate the transport of Goa'uld and their Jaffa armies. They are also significant forces in attacking worlds from space, but are capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planet's surface. (Typically, pyramids are utilized as landing platforms.)
The Ha'tak is armed with powerful energy weapons, shields, ring transporters, and are capable of launching entire squadrons of death gliders. It utilizes crystal-based technology for ship's functions, and is built around a centralized engine room and a command bridge -- called the Pel'tak.
Original Model Creation: Dave975 and DKealt
Original Model Textures: Dave975 and DKealt
Additional Model Work: Tycoon
- Edited Textures
- Reduced Texture Sets
- Reapplied Textures to certain areas
Conversion: Tycoon
From ST: Bridge Commander to ST: Armada II
Hardpointed: Tycoon
Weapon Texture: Freyr
Release Information
The Ha'tak has a standing Poly Count of: 3069
The Ha'tak comes with 43 individual hardpoints.
The included Textures come in three sets, each set is on a 512x512 resolution, and have been adapted with alpha channels for lightmaps. An additional weapon texture is also included at the 256x256 resolution.
Unfortunatly, this hasn't been completely configured for game release. The .odf file has had hardpoints added, and a new weapon texture, and build button have been created, though general stats, and configuration of the weapons still are yet to be done.
Copyright Information
These models have not been made, distributed or supported by Activision, Interplay nor Paramount Pictures.
Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures.
No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended.
All files included are for personal use only, and can not be bought or sold for profit. Neither can they be modified or edited without the permission of the Author.
Version | 1.0 | Author | Transmission | Website | |
Downloads | 1,319 | Size | 1.46 MB | Created | 2007-05-01 |
Anyway Nice work