Beliskner Class Asgard Ship
This is a Beliskner class ship from Stargate SG-1.
The Beliskner was the first Asgard ship encountered by Stargate Command, and until Anubis returned with Ancient technology that allowed him to upgrade the Goa'uld ships these were by far the most advanced ship in the Stargate Universe. The Asgard used the most obselete ships to enforce the Protected Planets Treaty in our galaxy while more advanced ships fought in the war against the Replicators.
The Beliskner has since been replaced by the more advanced O'Neill and Daniel Jackson ships in the Asgard Fleet.
Beliskner class
This is thors original mothership also known as thor's chariot
The Beliskner class Mothership were the first Asgard Starships
seen in the Stargate universe and were for their time the most
powerful Starship in the universe.The ship is a match for
any Goa'uld Mothership pre Anubis
TEXTURES:CYLON (made out modified fed cargo ship)
asgaurd transporter system included but not button to use it so u cant see it but its there
install instructions
Put all the folders in the Beliskner folder in your armada2 folder
thor.odf 0
asbeam.odf 0
to the tech1 and fulltechtrees located in the tectree folder
buildItemXX = "thor"
(where XX is the next number in line from the previous one e.g/ buildItem1
I may do a texture upgrade if i have time
Go to and chechout the new Parallels mod
activision, it's affiliates, sub-divisions or any other part of the company did not make this mod.
all startrek related items are copyrighted paramount
anyone can use this but please give me credit
If you have any problems or suggestions please email me at
Version | Author | Cylon54 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,229 | Size | 297.77 KB | Created | 2006-04-08 |
also the ascein have ships and there was one other prisoner transport ship that crashed onto a planet too.