Starfleet Project X Bomber Starfleet Project X Bomber

(5 votes)
mash1971, 2008-11-20

There's starships, there's warships, there's godships, and then there's this. Godship is an understatement. Using the 1.2.5 patch to its utmost, mash1971 has given us a truly unspeakable amount of overkill in this project. Referred to in the readme as a "heavily armed bomber class", the understatement of the year award goes to mash1971.

this ship has five different attack modes
mode 1 : standard weapons : forward mounted phasers, pulse phasers and single photon torpedo launcher
:special weapons : multi target pulse phasers, x regeneration system and cloaking device (ship operates at normal levels)

mode 2 : special weapons : four wing tip mounted high powered phasers, x regeneration, point defense phasers and cloaking device (ship operates at high level but reduced mobility)

mode 3 : standard weapon : three forward mounted phasers
: special weapons : two ion storm lasers, x regeneration and point defense phasers (ship operates at high levels)

mode 4 : standard weapons : four wing mounted photon torpedo launchers
: special weapons : two high powered pulse lasers, x regeneration, x reflection and cloaking device (ship operates at reduced levels but high mobility)

mode 5 : special weapons : x impulse and x regeneration (ship operates at reduced power levels and reduced mobility)

That's five modes, each of which can be switched and changed around, but all of which is still just one ship. Not even a ship. A single bomber capable of doing all that. Were Britain and the Allies to have possession of a single Spitfire with equivalent firepower, the Thousand Year Reich would've lasted thirty minutes. You could order a pizza and have Hitler's head on a pike, all in an afternoon.

And just to review, if you exclude the heavy standard weapons onboard, this ship carries the stock Federation corbomite reflector, a cloaking device, the stock Borg regeneration ability, the stock Klingon ion storm (unless there's some other sort of ion storm used in the weapon), and the stock Cardassian engine booster. All of these magnificent weapons are available in a single unit, along with multiple variations of the standard weapons, including several variants of phaser and pulse-phaser technology. This little ship must be one massive structure of weapons hardpoints. Seriously, the Borg want to study this thing to see how they get so many weapons onboard.

This thing is better placed in the next Transformers movie than in the Star Trek universe. I'm at a total loss as to how any single pilot or crew could keep all those modes and abilities straight in an operational capacity.

However, there are some of you out there with a sentimental (one might say, morbid) attachment to God-ships. This one's the God-ship to end all God-ships. Oh, I know, the damage counts and so forth all indicate this one's not a true God-ship in the undefeatable sense, and these vessels are probably best yielded in a squadron. But c'mon. Let's not kid ourselves here. This ship does what eight different ships should do, all in a single multi-modal design. There's no way to script any one object (maybe a planet or a supersuperdreadnought) in this game to offset the effects of firepower of that magnitude.

Download this one if you like the design, or if you hate the concept of game balance that much. As mentioned above, the 1.2.5 patch is a requirement.



install instructions :

this ship requires the fleet ops armada2 patch 1.2.5 in order to work, available at the fleet ops website

put sod files in the sod folder

put tga files in the textures/rgb folder

put the odf files in their relevant subfolders in the main odf folder

put bmp file in the bitmaps/admiralslog/ships folder


open the file dynamic localized strings.h, in the star trek armada II folder

under this line

"FED_GALSEPARATOR_V", "Separates the Saucer Section from the Stardrive Section.",

put these lines

"FED_XBOMBERLASER_V", "Laser weapon that creates a powerful ion storm.",
"FED_XBOMBERLASEROPEN_V", "Raises front half of ship allowing firing of the x laser.",
"FED_XBOMBERLASERCLOSE_V", "Lowers front half of ship after firing of the x laser.",
"FED_XBOMBERXIMPULSE_V", "Last resort weapon that anhilates enemy targets.",
"FED_XBOMBERXIMPULSEONLINE_V", "Brings X impulse online.",
"FED_XBOMBERXIMPULSEOFFLINE_V", "Takes X impulse offline.",
"FED_XBOMBERPULSELASEROPEN", "X pulse lasers online",
"FED_XBOMBERPULSELASEROPEN_V", "Raises pulse laser turrets allowing firing of the powerful pulse lasers.",
"FED_XBOMBERPULSELASERCLOSE", "X pulse lasers offline",
"FED_XBOMBERPULSELASERCLOSE_V", "Lowers pulse laser turrets.",
"FED_XBOMBERREGENERATION_V", "Regenerates x bombers systems using special energy reserves.",
"FED_XBOMBERXREFLECT_V", "Powerful reflection shield repels beams and missiles.",
"FED_XBOMBERXREFRACTION_V", "Light refraction system renders ship virtually invisible.",
"FED_XBOMBERXPHASERONLINE_V", "Brings the wing mounted x phasers online.",
"FED_XBOMBERXPHASEROFFLINE_v", "Takes x phasers offline.",
"FED_XBOMBERXPULSE_V", "Multi targeting pulse phasers.",
"FED_XBOMBERXPDLASER", "X Point defence lasers",
"FED_XBOMBERXPDLASER_V", "Targets incoming torpedoes.",

save file


in the sprites folder open the gui global file

under federation build buttons


put this line

b_xbomber gbxbomber 0 0 64 64

under special weapons

put these lines

b_gxphaseronline gbxphaser 0 0 64 64
b_gxphaseroffline gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gxcloak gbxcloak 0 0 64 64
b_gxblaser gbxlaser 0 0 64 64
b_gxregeneration gbxregeneration 0 0 64 64
b_gximpulse gbximpulse 0 0 64 64
b_gxblaseropen gbxlaser2 0 0 64 64
b_gxblaserclose gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gxbpulselaseropen gbxpulselaseronline 0 0 64 64
b_gxbpulselaserclose gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gximpulseonline gbximpulse1 0 0 64 64
b_gximpulseoffline gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gxreflect gbxreflect 0 0 64 64
b_gxbpulse gbxbpulse 0 0 64 64
b_gxpdlaser gbxpdlaser 0 0 64 64

under federation wireframes


put these lines

xbomberw1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128
xbomber1w1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128
xbomber2w1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128
xbomber3w1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128
xbomber4w1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128

save file


in the same folder open the weapons file

find this line

# Federation Photon torpedo
//quantum torpedo only
wbluephoton wfbluetorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

and put these lines underneath

#x bomber torpedo
xbphoton wxbtorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

#x bomber phaser
xbphaser wxbphaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

#x bomber X phaser
xbwingphaser wxbwingphaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

#x bomber laser
xblaser wxlaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

#x bomber pulse laser
xbpulselaser wxblaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

#x bomber pulse phaser
xbpulsephaser wxbpulsephaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

#x bomber x impulse
ximpulse wximpulse 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex4x4

save file


in the same folder open the lights file

under this line

# blue lights

put these lines

@sprite_node xblue borgore const (5,5) (0,0,1) billboard
@sprite_node storm1 borgore const (20,20) (0,0,1) billboard
@sprite_node storm7 borgore const (20,20) (0,0.5,1) billboard

under this line

# green lights

put this line

@sprite_node storm2 borgore const (20,20) (0,1,0) billboard

under this line

# red lights

put these lines

@sprite_node xred borgore const (3,3) (1,0,0) billboard
@sprite_node storm3 borgore const (20,20) (1,0,0) billboard
@sprite_node storm6 borgore const (20,20) (1,0,1) billboard

under this line

# white-ish lights

put this line

@sprite_node storm borgore const (20,20) (.7,.8,.8) billboard

under this line

# amber lights

put this line

@sprite_node storm4 borgore const (20,20) (1,1,0) billboard

under this line

# purple lights

put this line

@sprite_node storm5 borgore const (20,20) (0.5,0,1) billboard

save file


in the tech tree folder open the tech1 file

under federation ships

put these lines

xbomber.odf 0
xbomber1.odf 0
xbomber2.odf 0
xbomber3.odf 0
xbomber4.odf 0

under federation special weapons

put these lines

gxreflect.odf 0
gxregeneration.odf 0
gxcloak.odf 0
gxblaser.odf 0
gxblaseropen.odf 0
gxblaserclose.odf 0
gxbpulselaseropen.odf 0
gxbpulselaserclose.odf 0
gximpulse.odf 0
gximpulseonline.odf 0
gximpulseoffline.odf 0
gxphaseronline.odf 0
gxphaseroffline.odf 0
gxbpulse.odf 0
gxpdlaser.odf 0

save file


in the same folder open the fulltech file

add these lines

xbomber.odf 0
xbomber1.odf 0
xbomber2.odf 0
xbomber3.odf 0
xbomber4.odf 0
gxreflect.odf 0
gxregeneration.odf 0
gxcloak.odf 0
gxblaser.odf 0
gxblaseropen.odf 0
gxblaserclose.odf 0
gxbpulselaseropen.odf 0
gxbpulselaserclose.odf 0
gximpulse.odf 0
gximpulseonline.odf 0
gximpulseoffline.odf 0
gxphaseronline.odf 0
gxphaseroffline.odf 0
gxbpulse.odf 0
gxpdlaser.odf 0

save file


add to shipyard or construction ship

builditem## = "xbomber"

save file


thats all folks


known issues

point defense tooltip not working properly ,

multi targeting pulse phasers can fire at nothing



texture : by bradley w. smith

weapons : deja vu for the full spread phaser weapon which is the basis for the multi target pulse phasers

and major a payne for telling me about the replace weapon

the guys on the forum for the weapons advice and westworlds big book of modding.

and all who made this possible.


can be used without my permission but credit those who did their part


Version    Author  mash1971  Website   
Downloads  227  Size  1.94 MB  Created  2008-11-20 



#1 Atlantis27 2008-11-21 00:21
Hmm, well as god-x-ships (i never thought I'd ever have to merge the words god-ship and x-ship) go, it's certainly imaginitive.

I like the basic design; looks like something from The Last Starfighter movie (and that movie liked the odd god-unit ability too, so maybe it works).

As for it's abilities... Well it's gotta be good for a bit of fun =)

Downloading now! =D
#2 starfox1701 2008-11-21 04:18
Yea I was thinking with all that were's the death blossom button at? :P Looks like alot of thought and work went into this baby.Drink
#3 ameba 2008-11-21 07:41
a 7/10 for the sheer mad ideas used for this ship, a 9/10 for the review. if only the kid could get used to sign with his name....
#4 exodus_499 2008-11-21 10:38
Well, *somebody* liked it :D (peers at 8) signature)

Nicely done mash, and as far as I tell from inspecting the file I reckon it includes pretty much everything a mod can have.

Plus it looks nothing like I was expecting as I read the review, I was thinking of something more... defiant-esque.

#5 mash1971 2008-11-21 14:05
as much as id like to have come up with this idea myself ,this ship actually exists in a puppet based 1980's japanese tv show called starfleet (no connection)in which earth was defended by the x bomber and its crew from the forces of the imperial leader.

The ship had all these weapons belive it or not and also had three detachable fighter ships which could join together to form the dai x robot and still they needed help in defeating the imperial forces from the skull ,a pirate ship, in space!!!.

All before transformers were invented.

powerful though this ship might be it can be destroyed by as little as 4 ships(well 4 borg cubes anyway)
#6 Shadowsaber008 2008-11-21 15:53
Interesting Design. Almost like a Star Trek version of the Great Fox from the Starfox serious. The weapons and defenses are impressive, but I think the design could use some work a bit. I like it though. So 8/10 from me 8)
#7 Avon 2008-11-22 01:58
Hey Mash, I remember Starfleet. It used to air on Saturday mornings in the U.K back when I was a kid...........long time ago..................Great show, thanks for the memories :-)
#8 Major_A_Payne 2008-11-22 23:28
Ah the memories. A brilliant recreation mash. I trust you left spaces in the hull for the "di-x"!! Gets a 10/10 from me.
#9 mash1971 2008-11-23 03:15
ive got hold of the series and am trying to model the dai x so there should be a mode 6 that will launch the three ships then they will combine to form the dai x but getting it to punch enemy targets may prove difficult without animation.

thanks for the positive comments guys

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