Starfleet Project X Bomber Starfleet Project X Bomber

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mash1971, 2008-11-25

According to the mod's author, mash1971, "this is an upgraded version because the last one was a bit lacking in certain ways." Frankly, given the over-the-top nature of the original design, I don't know HOW the last one could be upgraded! That one had more weapons than most Federation fleets!

However, this upgrade includes all of the following, which some of you have seen in the show from which this vessel originates:

dai-x ships and dai-x junction robot.
shield enhancer for allied ships.
dai-x pulse phasers.
dai-x junction multi target eye phasers.
revised tooltips for x bomber showing which mode its in.
and a few other tweaks.

Truly awesome work --and no doubt accurate to the source material. Download this one if you're familiar with either the show, or the mod.






mode 1 : standard weapons : forward mounted phasers, pulse phasers and single photon torpedo launcher

:special weapons : multi target pulse phasers, x regeneration system and cloaking device (ship operates at normal power levels)

mode 2 : special weapons : four wing tip mounted high powered phasers, x regeneration, point defense phasers and cloaking device (ship operates at high power levels but reduced mobility)

mode 3 : standard weapon : three forward mounted phasers

: special weapons : two ion storm lasers, x regeneration and point defense phasers (ship operates at high power levels)

mode 4 : standard weapons : four wing mounted photon torpedo launchers

: special weapons : two high powered pulse lasers, x regeneration, cloaking device and dai-x online (ship operates at reduced power levels and reduced mobility)

mode 5 : standard weapons : forward mounted phaser and pulse phasers rear mounted phaser and photon torpedo launcher

: special weapons : x regeneration, point defense phasers, x shield , dai-x ships and dai-x junction(ship operates at increased power levels)

mode 6 : standard weapons : forward mounted phasers and single photon torpedo launcher

: special weapons : x reflect, x regeneration ,cloaking device and x impulse online (ship operates at normal power levels)

mode 7 : special weapons : x impulse and x regeneration (ship operates at reduced power levels and reduced mobility)


modes are selected by pressing the assigned button and bringing each mode online

mode 1 : the default when a mode is taken offline

mode 2 : x phasers online

mode 3 : x laser ion storm online

mode 4 : x pulse lasers online

mode 5 : dai-x junction online

mode 6 : dai-x junction offline / x impulse online (dai-x must redock with x bomber to access next mode)

mode 7 : x impulse online


!!!new weapons!!!

dai-x pulse phasers(mounted on the dai-x ships)

x shield (enhances shields of allied ships)

dai-x (three ships, braincom,main body and leg trax, that detach from x bomber that can fight independently or combine to form the mighty dai-x junction)

dai-x junction (bad tempered transformer like robot that kicks the crap out of everything)

note : x bomber and dai-x ships must be selected to redock

: dai-x must assemble dai-x junction then disassemble before docking with x bomber is possible,

although they can be decommissioned to shipyard


install instructions :

requires previous install of x bomber ,just overwrite existing files and add the new ones

put sod files in the sod folder

put tga files in the textures/rgb folder

put the odf files in their relevant subfolders in the main odf folder

put bmp file in the bitmaps/admiralslog/ships folder

then follow instructions beneath


open the file dynamic localized strings.h, in the star trek armada II folder

under this line

"FED_XBOMBERLASER_V", "Laser weapon that creates a powerful ion storm.",

put these lines

"FED_XBOMBERXPDLASER_V", "Targets incoming torpedoes.",
"FED_XBOMBERRESET", "X bomber reset",
"FED_XBOMBERRESET_V", "Reverts back to standard x bomber.",
"FED_XBOMBERRESET1", "X bomber emergency reset",
"FED_XBOMBERRESET1_V", "Only use if dai-x is unavailable otherwise redocking is impossible.",
"FED_XBOMBERXSHIELD_V", "Allied ship shield enhancer.",
"FED_XBOMBERDAIXONLINE_V", "Launches the dai-x junction ships.",
"FED_XBOMBERDAIXOFFLINE_V", "Docks the dai-x junction ships.",
"FED_XBOMBERDAIXJUNCTION", "Dai-x junction online",
"FED_XBOMBERDAIXJUNCTION_V", "Forms the dai-x junction.",
"FED_DAIXJUNCTIONOFF", "Dai-x junction offline",
"FED_DAIXJUNCTIONOff_V", "Disassembles the dai-x junction.",

save file


in the sprites folder open the gui global file

under special weapons

put these lines

b_gdaixonline gbdaixonline 0 0 64 64
b_gdaixoffline gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gxreset gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gxreset1 gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gdaixjunction gbdaixjunction 0 0 64 64
b_gdaixjunctionoff gbxbweapon 0 0 64 64
b_gxshield gbxshield 0 0 64 64

under federation wireframes


put these lines

xbomber5w1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128
xbomber6w1 wfxbomber 0 0 128 128
daixheadw1 wfdaixhead 0 0 128 128
daixhead1w1 wfdaixhead1 0 0 128 128
daixbodyw1 wfdaixbody 0 0 128 128
daixbody1w1 wfdaixbody1 0 0 128 128
daixlegsw1 wfdaixlegs 0 0 128 128
daixlegs1w1 wfdaixlegs1 0 0 128 128
daixjunction1w1 wfdaixjunction 0 0 128 128

save file



in the same folder open the lights file

under this line

# amber lights

put this line

@sprite_node xamber borgore const (2,3) (1,1,0) billboard

save file


in the tech tree folder open the tech1 file

under federation ships

put these lines

xbomber5.odf 0
xbomber6.odf 0
daixhead.odf 0
daixbody.odf 0
daixlegs.odf 0
daixhead1.odf 0
daixbody1.odf 0
daixlegs1.odf 0
daixjunction.odf 0

under federation special weapons

put these lines

gdaixonline.odf 0
gxreset.odf 0
gxreset1.odf 0
gdaixoffline.odf 0
gdaixjunction.odf 0
gdaixjunctionoff.odf 0
gxshield.odf 0

save file


in the same folder open the fulltech file

add these lines

xbomber5.odf 0
xbomber6.odf 0
daixhead.odf 0
daixbody.odf 0
daixlegs.odf 0
daixhead1.odf 0
daixbody1.odf 0
daixlegs1.odf 0
daixjunction.odf 0
gdaixonline.odf 0
gdaixoffline.odf 0
gxreset.odf 0
gxreset1.odf 0
gdaixjunction.odf 0
gdaixjunctionoff.odf 0
gxshield.odf 0
gdaixonline.odf 0
gdaixoffline.odf 0

save file



thats all folks


known issues

certain tooltips still not working properly ,cant figure it?

multi targeting pulse phasers can fire at nothing ,still

textures for dai-x taken from red dwarf picture as the pictures on the net for dai-x are of such low quality and the series ive got is of similar quality they cant be used
so i shall keep looking

texture used is the the best shot of red dwarf ive found on the net which is not so good but thats that



weapons : deja vu for the full spread phaser weapon which is the basis for the multi target pulse phasers

and major a payne for mentioning dai-x in the first place

the guys on the forum for the weapons advice and westworlds big book of modding.

and all who made this possible.


can be used without my permission but credit those who did their part

Version  2.0  Author  mash1971  Website   
Downloads  174  Size  9.42 MB  Created  2008-11-25 



#1 Thermal_Nuclear_Chicken 2008-11-25 16:44
this file looks like it would be good for starwars or something like that, but it doesnt look "Starfleet" to me.
#2 Starblade. 2008-11-25 17:24
It's not Starfleet in the Federation sense. It's based on a show called Project Starfleet or something along those lines. I originally thought it was intended as a UFP Starfleet vessel, but this isn't the case.


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