Victory 3 for Federation
This is the Victory 3 mod for the Federation in Armada 2.
It was created this to fill the gap in between the Victory 2/MC80a and
ISD/MC80b. Now it's available for the stock game. One of these can turn a TFC or
well defended base to space dust. Have fun.

This is my Victory 3 mod for the Federation in Armada 2.
I created this to fill the gap in between the Victory 2/MC80a and
ISD/MC80b. Now it's available for the stock game. One of these can turn a TFC or
well defended base to space dust. Have fun.
to install:
put the ivsd3 and vsd3 files into your stations/odf file.
put the vsd2phys and the swcapcombat files into the odf/other folder.
put the torp and torpo files in the odf/weapons/photons file.
put the ghtlaser and ghtlasero files into the odf/weapons/pulse folder.
put the gbivsd2, wblank, victory2, ewvic, and wlaser files into the textures/rgb folder.
put the contents of the SOD file into the SOD folder.
put the weapon file in the sprites folder.
copy and paste the following into the fyard2 folder:
builditem4 = "ivsd3"
copy and paste the following into your gui_global file under federation build buttons:
b_ivsd3 gbivsd 0 0 64 64
copy and paste the following into your gui_global file under fed wire frames:
ivsd3w1 ewvic 40 0 40 40
ivsd3w2 ewvic 0 40 40 40
ivsd3w3 ewvic 40 40 40 40
ivsd3w4 ewvic 80 0 40 40
ivsd3w5 ewvic 0 0 40 40
open your tech1 file in the techtree folder. make it look like this:
fcolony.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf // colony ship
fassault.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear2.odf // assault ship (iwo Jima class)
fgalaxy.odf 1 fyard2.odf // battleship (galaxy class)
fbattle.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf // battleship (sovereign class)
ivsd3.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf
you're done.
This is my first mod for A2 so if you don't like it or have any suggestions
contact me at
Me(Captain Steve)- edited odfs
The SW VS. ST team for creating the SOD's, textures, odf's, etc.
Version | Author | Captain Steve | Website | ||
Downloads | 573 | Size | 181.37 KB | Created | 2003-07-01 |