Victory 3 for Federation 1.1
This is an updated version of the Victory 3 for Federation mod that Captain Steve relesed back in July. It has some major fixes. It adds missing files and fixes no texture and game crashes when weapons fire issues.
It was created this to fill the gap in between the Victory 2/MC80a and ISD/MC80b. Now it's available for the stock game. One of these can turn a TFC or well defended base to space dust.
If you liked it before, this one is a must. d/l now!

This is my Victory 3 1.1 mod for the Federation in Armada 2. Version 1.1 adds missing
files and fixes bugs (no texture, game crashes when weapons fire)from the previous release.
I'm pretty sure this fixes all the problems.
I created this to fill the gap in between the Victory 2/MC80a and
ISD/MC80b. Now it's available for the stock game. One of these can turn a TFC or
well defended base to space dust. Have fun.
to install:
put the ivsd3 and vsd3 files into your stations/odf file.
put the vsd2phys and the swcapcombat files into the odf/other folder.
put the torp and torpo files in the odf/weapons/photons file.
put the ghtlaser and ghtlasero files into the odf/weapons/pulse folder.
put the gbivsd2, wblank, vSD, ewvic, and wlaser files into the textures/rgb folder.
put the contents of the SOD file into the SOD folder.
put the weapon file in the sprites folder.
put the capital and gtlaser files inot the sound folder.
copy and paste the following into the fyard2 folder:
builditem4 = "ivsd3"
copy and paste the following into your gui_global file under federation build buttons:
b_ivsd3 gbivsd 0 0 64 64
copy and paste the following into your gui_global file under fed wire frames:
ivsd3w1 ewvic 40 0 40 40
ivsd3w2 ewvic 0 40 40 40
ivsd3w3 ewvic 40 40 40 40
ivsd3w4 ewvic 80 0 40 40
ivsd3w5 ewvic 0 0 40 40
open your tech1 file in the techtree folder. make it look like this:
fcolony.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear.odf // colony ship
fassault.odf 2 fyard.odf fresear2.odf // assault ship (iwo Jima class)
fgalaxy.odf 1 fyard2.odf // battleship (galaxy class)
fbattle.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf // battleship (sovereign class)
ivsd3.odf 2 fyard2.odf fupgrade.odf
if you want to manually install this into your game without replacing the weapon sprite you
have to add the following:
# Empire Laser
elaser wlaser 0 32 128 32
# Star Wars Concussion Missle
conc conc 0 0 128 33
now that you're done, ENJOy!
This is my first add-on for A2 so if you don't like it or have any suggestions
contact me at
NOTICE: this has been tested in the stock Armada 2 game & the Borg Incursion 2 mod ONLY.
it may or may not work in other mods so downloading and installing this is at YOUR OWN RISK
Me(Captain Steve)- edited odfs, techtrees
The SW VS. ST team for creating the SOD's, textures, odf's, etc in the first place.
Version | Author | Captain Steve | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,656 | Size | 456.73 KB | Created | 2003-09-09 |