Trade Federation Droid Fighter Trade Federation Droid Fighter

(6 votes)
Coffee Boy, 2002-06-27

This ship is great when u have alot of them. Its isn't big but when u get enough they become a real threat!

Trade Federation Droid Fighter
by Coffee Boy

Thanks to Major Payne, The Great One, Kleotol, and Westworld for their many tutorials on the net. Also thanks to Wraith for letting me join the Babylon 5: Armada 2 team when I was a newbie and kept making mistakes, starship backwards anyone? And finally thanks to Ghostrider for playtesting and advice on Star Wars ships.

This is the Trade Federation Droid Fighter from Star Wars Episode I & II, it is an extra ship unbuildble by the AI.

Disclaimer: This material is not supported by Activision or Lucasarts in any way. Star Wars and related marks are copyright Lucasfilm. These are used without permission and no profit is obtained from this model.

Copy the files into the corresponding folders:

droid.odf ----------> odf/ships
droid.sod ----------> sod
all .tga files -----> textures/rgb
tlasero.odf --------> odf/weapons/pulse
tlaser.odf ---------> odf/weapons/pulse
trlaser.wav --------> sounds/effects
tie.odf ------------> odf/ships
stiephys.odf -------> odf/other
trek_stiephys.odf --> odf/other

you will need to add:

buildItemX = "droid"

To the ship yard you wish to build the ship in. (replace X with the next number in line)

Add this line to

droid.odf 0

Add this line to gui_global.spr:


b_droid gbtfig 0 0 64 64

If you already have the weapons insatalled you can obviously miss this part out. For the lasers open weapon.spr, under where is says:


copy and paste:

# Rebel Laser
rlaser staweps 0 32 128 32

OK that's it, the Trade Federation Droid Fighter should now be buildable in game.

Version    Author  Coffee Boy  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,156  Size  131.54 KB  Created  2002-06-27 



#1 MrTurtle_91 2004-08-06 23:19
This is a great mod. There is just one mistake in the weapon file. Under tlaser.odf it says that the weapon ordinance is ilasero.odf. It should say tlasero.odf. It was very frustrating trying to figure out the problem. But it has an awesome SOD and texture files. It's just disapointing to not see a wireframe.
#2 DISRUPTED 2006-04-08 14:47
Now we just need as Clone Wars mod! That would be awsome!

Go on and mod the old Republic and CIS!!! I want to kick cloneas*es with Grievous!!! lol

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