Super Star Destroyer Super Star Destroyer

(6 votes)
starfox1701, 2010-09-11

Impressive. Most impressive.

This is an updated version of my conversion of Eviljedi's SSD. This is a high end(9000 polies) command ship and should be used as such. This version fixes the insidious glare problem and includes some additional features. Thank Thunderfoot for doing most of this work as my originals where lost in a HD crash.

Definitely worth a download. You know you want the ship-- either as a means by which to conquer the galaxy, or because a target that big is just asking to be shot at and brought down.


Starfox's Super Star Destroyer, MKII

//**************************************************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION

So you like real godships heheheh. Seriously thank you for downloading this updated version of the Eviljedi SSD conversion for A2. This mod is designed to push the envelopes of profomance at every level to resonably simulate an SSD. This is a high poly model that doen't make use of any of the in game system resouce managment stuff. Remeber this and don't over build. to prevent lag. I'd like to thank Thunderfoot for working to fix or finish aspects of this mod as the original version was flawed and incomplete. Enjoy and may the Force be with you.

- Starfox
//**************************************************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION

Some of Y'all who are registered over at A2Files are already well familiar with Starfox's work. He won a contest over there with this ship. As with eveything he does, it is excellent and as faithful a re creation as he can make to the original. I found out recently from him his old computer crashed and took this very fine piece of work with it. So it is with great pride and pleasure I present to you a version of his work which he thought lost. This version of his Super Star Destroyer is done nearly to perfection. It includes some additional material by yours truly which makes this already fearsome weapon into what can only be described accurately as the GodShip of Godships. Starfox made no attempt to balance her with Stock A2. And no apologies for not doing so either. So the additional materials I've added are in the same vein. If you're gonna have excess, excess with style is the ONLY way to go. Enjoy the ship. I know I have.

- Thunderfoot


CREDITS - This is just a general listing. For specific ships and other things, please refer to the Credits.txt file.

Gene Roddenberry - For giving us such a cool place to play.
George Lucas - Likewise.
Starfox - For the original SSD mod.
Thunerfoot - For other things.


1) A ReadMe, which no one will read.
2) A Credits.txt file, which lists specifically whom is responsible for what.
3) Installation Instructions, These are provided for you to read after you place this mod ingame. They will allow you to quickly and precisely pinpoint any errors you made during installation and tell you how to repair them.
4) Bitmaps for the ships.
5) ODFs which cover the ships, weapons, physics, and special weapons.
6) SODs for the ships.
7) Sounds, which consists of effects and music.
8) Textures. These are lightmapped(Alphas). There are no Borg textures. If you want the Borg to assimilate THIS ship, tell them we said, "Good luck with all that!"


This mod has been tested only against Instant Action vs. the 'puter. We do not know if it will work in online Multiplayer. We accept no responsibility for your computer, disc, or application. This patch was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it does not work correctly the first time, please go back and read the Installation Instructions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the Installation Instructions.


- It is strongly suggested this be placed into a clean, STOCK install of A2, patched to 1.1. This is how this was tested and this is how it should perform best. This also seemed the easiest way to create a version which somone could place within their custom install with minimal hassles. Placing this within a custom install will require a lot more cutting and pasting than placing it within Stock A2. Since we have no idea what mods someone may have already installed, we have no real way of assisting with potential problems as they arise.

- There is not currently an AIP set or build lists which allow the AI to use these ships. This means that you will not be able to select Random Opponents in Instant Action. It is our hope someone smarter about how AIPs work will see this, make some and then share with the rest of us. In the meantime, we are continuing our own efforts to make Build Lists which will allow the AI to fully use these ships.

- And no, we will NOT do this as an auto installer version. Do not ask because the answer will always be, "NO!". Now, and until the end of time. An auto installer can screw up a perfectly good install with lots of custom ships and other things in about zero seconds flat. We will absolutely not be responsible for wrecking your current install.

BTW, in case you're wondering about an auto installer version of this, the answer is still, "NO!"


There is not currently a way to truly recreate these ships in all their glory within A2. The A2 game engine is far too antiquated for that. If you're expecting these ships to do everything they can in the Star Wars films, you will be disappointed, we think. What they do is function as fully as the limits of the A2 game engine allow. Within those limits they function beautifully.

Attention! To those of you whom are about to complain about these ships. They are not really balanced against anything Star Trek. They are balanced Star Wars Fleet Command.

There are no Borg textures. Why? Do you really think for one second the Emperor or Lord Vader would allow such a thing? Really? If you want Borg textures anyway, you will have to make them yourself.


A multiple ship re creation of the Star Wars Super Star Destroyer for A2. Complete with physics and weapons as true to Star Wars as we could make them.


This mod is not tested for compatibility with either PP1.2.5 or any version of Fleet Ops. If you want to try this out with either PP 1.2.5 or Fleet Ops, you are on your own. We cannot help you with problems in either. We also felt it would be easier to add into a custom install from this point rather than making a whole bunch of things which may screw up someone's game.

If not being Fleet Ops or PP1.2.5 compatible means you will not install this, your loss, not ours.

Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning! Warning!

The installation procedure can be a little complicated and easy to make mistakes with. We suggest you make a backup copy of your current A2 install immediately. This way if you cause a catastrophic failure of your game, you can simply unzip the backup and continue on. We would not suggest this unless problems had occurred during our own installation and play testing. The Super Star Destroyer is classLabelled as a shipyard so it can build T.I.E. fighters in game. There are new types of pulse lasers for weapons. There are also missiles based on photon torpedoes because this is the only way the missiles would work correctly. We've included copies of the A2PP X files which control movement for all ships. There are some serious additions to the Sprite files which can cause an immediate CTD and a permanent corruption of your A2 install which is unrepairable unless the installation instructions ARE FOLLOWED EXACTLY. All these new files have been checked against Stock 1.1 to ensure they work. We had no way of checking them against your custom A2 install because we have no way of knowing just exactly what it is you've done to your game.


Distribution/hosting & Commercial use

This file is be hosted at Armada 2 FileFront and Majestic SciFi Central(MSFC).

If you are interested in hosting this file or distributing it in any manner then please contact us.

Hosting, or any other form of distribution is hereby forbidden without prior written permission. The use in Armada II Modifications is allowed as per section B below. This mod is strictly for non-profit use. I don't own the rights to all of this stuff and so couldn't give you permission to charge for it even if I wanted too.

The reasons for this are fairly simple

1) We want to know where our files are being downloaded from!

2) We would prefer only having a few download mirrors because its considerably easier to update a smaller number of mirrors.

B - Third party use

Lastly, the material can be reused in whole or part in Armada 2 Modifications on the condition that ALL ABOVE credits are in your readme. If you wish to convert these graphics to another game then please contact us. (we haven't ever turned anybody down, we just want to keep track of what they are being used for)

All other rights are reserved. This may not be used outside of the Armada II community without prior permission.

If you decide to use our material in an Armada II mod then we would appreciate a quick message via email letting us know that your using it.

If you wish to edit files to suit your Armada II mod then you may do so, in return we ask that you consider sharing your alterations with the Armada II community under the same conditions we make them available to you under, but you have no obligation to do so.


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, please contact Starfox or Thunderfoot via PM or email at MSFC.

All of the people mentioned by name herein are blameless for anything which may be wrong with this mod. All of the mistakes are ours and ours alone.

Compliments? Well, now! We'll respond promptly to your kind words.

Complaints? I find your lack of faith...disturbing. (wheeze hiss)


Copyright notices: Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Star Wars and all related images, sounds, and other indicia within this patch are based upon are the intellectual property of their respective owners.
This patch is released for entertainment purposes only. No profit or commercial useage is intended or allowed.
THIS MODEL(S) IS NOT SUPPORTED BY the Warlords and XWAU mod teams. None of these individuals or myself can be held liable or responsible for any damage to your computer or install.

Version  2.0  Author  starfox1701  Website   
Downloads  422  Size  14.62 MB  Created  2010-09-11 



#1 Mathicus0010 2010-09-13 05:58
Yet Another piece of technology for me to a**imilate :borg:

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