Species 8472 Pack 06 (Defender, Bee and Support Turrets) Species 8472 Pack 06 (Defender, Bee and Support Turrets)

(3 votes)
Chiletrek, 2010-06-06

The sixth pack contains the first version of the Species 8472 Defender's pack. This ship comes with a new Bee and there also also new models for the Mine, Sentinel and the Observer and Sentry (addon units I released before, but they were remade too).

This pack also includes an alternate version of the texture files (textures, wireframes and build buttons) for the Defender and the turrets it builds, the alternate version will give them the same color of the Battleship. But the textures by default have a different colour, that should help to quickly recognize the ship's function, in this case, for building support organisms. The Bee will mantain it's intended brown scheme of colors, to match the other bioships in the fleet.

Species 8472 Pack 06 (Defender, Bee and Support Turrets):

I am Chiletrek and this mod contains my version of the Species 8472 Defender, the Bee and Turrets.

Species 8472 is a powerful presence in the game, but it is always one of the most neglected races, still it is between the races with the best quality of stock models and textures; but after this many years since the game first came out, all races began having updates on their models and now I wanted to try and give Species 8472 some new models and, in this way, to update them a bit.

All new models have a different more accurate scaling, so don't be alarmed if you find the new models are too small (compared to the stock ones), but they are still bigger than their actual canon sizes.

Things I made:

1) New models and texture to replace the stock Species 8472 Defender, 8472 Sentinel, 8472 Mine and 8472 Bee. With new models for the addon units 8472 Observer (sensor array) and 8472 Sentry (Heavy defensive emplacement).

2) New buildbuttons, wireframes, Admiral's Log pics and ODFs.

3) New sound file for the beam weapon. Sound file taken from the Star Trek Voyager episodes "Scorpion".

4) This Read me.

Installation Instructions:

Before anything, you should make a backup of your files since they will edited and/or replaced. The file that will receive a big editing will be gui_global.spr and some editing to the techtree files (for the added units), so try to have a backup of them before editing, so it will be easier to revert to a previous state.

1) Unzip the contents of this file on a temporary folder.

2) Open your Star Trek Armada II folder.

3) Copy .sod files from this "SOD" folder and paste them in your SOD folder located in the main game directory.

4) Copy 8472_defender.bmp, 8472_mine.bmp, 8472_sentinel.bmp, 8472_observer.bmp and 8472_sentry.bmp and paste them in your bitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages folder.

If you'll use the alternate versions, then copy the files with (alt) in the names, paste them in the proper folder and rename by removing the (alt) from the file names.

5) Copy the content of the "ships" folder and paste them in your odfships folder. Replace if asked, this is the ships' main odf files.

6) Copy the content of the "stations" folder and paste them in your odfstations folder. Replace if asked, these are the odf files for the turrets.

7) Copy the content of the "Phasers" folder and paste them in your odfPhasers folder. Replace if asked, these files are the ships' bio-pulse beam files.

8) Copy the content of the "Photons" folder and paste them in your odfPhotons folder. Replace if asked, these files are the Sentry's turret -like photon torpedo files.

9) Copy all .wav files of the "effects" folder and paste them in your soundseffects folder.

10) Copy all .tga files of the "RGB" folder and paste them in your TexturesRGB folder.

10a) This pack come with alternate textures, with the same colour of the Battleship and Frigate (the canon bioships).

If you want to have the alternate version instead of the recoloured version, copy all tga files from the "RGB (alt)" folder in your TexturesRGB folder.

10b) The files called 8472_defenderCT-512.tga and 8472_beeCT-256.tga are lower resolution versions of the texture files (512x512 for the Defender and 256x256 for the Bee), copy these ones and rename them to 8472_defenderCT.tga and 8472_beeCT.tga if you have lags ingame or if don't want/can't use the higher resolution textures.

The same goes for the alternate versions of the texture files.

11) Open your Sprites folder and open gui_global.spr with Notepad.

12) Search for: #8472 Wireframes

13) Paste these lines:

8472_defenderw1 8472_defenderwire 40 0 40 40
8472_defenderw2 8472_defenderwire 0 40 40 40
8472_defenderw3 8472_defenderwire 40 40 40 40
8472_defenderw4 8472_defenderwire 80 0 40 40
8472_defenderw5 8472_defenderwire 0 0 40 40

8472_minew1 8472_minewire 40 0 40 40
8472_minew2 8472_minewire 0 40 40 40
8472_minew3 8472_minewire 40 40 40 40
8472_minew4 8472_minewire 80 0 40 40
8472_minew5 8472_minewire 0 0 40 40

8472_sentinelw1 8472_sentinelwire 40 0 40 40
8472_sentinelw2 8472_sentinelwire 0 40 40 40
8472_sentinelw3 8472_sentinelwire 40 40 40 40
8472_sentinelw4 8472_sentinelwire 80 0 40 40
8472_sentinelw5 8472_sentinelwire 0 0 40 40

8472_observerw1 8472_observerwire 40 0 40 40
8472_observerw2 8472_observerwire 0 40 40 40
8472_observerw3 8472_observerwire 40 40 40 40
8472_observerw4 8472_observerwire 80 0 40 40
8472_observerw5 8472_observerwire 0 0 40 40

8472_sentryw1 8472_sentrywire 40 0 40 40
8472_sentryw2 8472_sentrywire 0 40 40 40
8472_sentryw3 8472_sentrywire 40 40 40 40
8472_sentryw4 8472_sentrywire 80 0 40 40
8472_sentryw5 8472_sentrywire 0 0 40 40

if you cannot fine the @reference=128 line, you can add it, this will allow for the correct visualization of the new wireframes.

14) Now Search for:

8472_defenderw1 8472wireframe02 0 144 48 48
8472_defenderw2 8472wireframe02 48 144 48 48
8472_defenderw3 8472wireframe02 96 144 48 48
8472_defenderw4 8472wireframe02 144 144 48 48
8472_defenderw5 8472wireframe02 192 144 48 48

8472_minew1 8472wireframe03 0 192 48 48
8472_minew2 8472wireframe03 48 192 48 48
8472_minew3 8472wireframe03 96 192 48 48
8472_minew4 8472wireframe03 144 192 48 48
8472_minew5 8472wireframe03 192 192 48 48

8472_sentinelw1 8472wireframe04 0 0 48 48
8472_sentinelw2 8472wireframe04 48 0 48 48
8472_sentinelw3 8472wireframe04 96 0 48 48
8472_sentinelw4 8472wireframe04 144 0 48 48
8472_sentinelw5 8472wireframe04 192 0 48 48

below the @reference=256 and erase them, this will allow the use of the new wireframes instead of the original ones.

15) The build buttons are new designs using Yacuzza's 8472 button template from the Twilight Mod, the will replace stock buttons. But there are still two new units, and for their build buttons, look for:
# 8472 build buttons

and add these two lines:
b_8472_sentry gb8472_sentry 0 0 64 64
b_8472_observer gb8472_observer 0 0 64 64

below the last 8472 entry.

16) For the techtrees: Open Tech1.tt with Notepad and look for:
// ***[ SPECIES 8472 STATIONS ]*******************

17) Add these two lines below the last entry:

8472_observer.odf 1 8472_mothership.odf
8472_Sentry.odf 1 8472_AdvancedResearch.odf

18) Now open fulltech.tt with Notepad:

19) In a clean install, te last 8472 entry shouñld be:

8472_PodShipResearch24.odf 0

Look for it and then add these two lines:

8472_observer.odf 0
8472_Sentry.odf 0

Now you can have the addon turrets in normal tech and full tech games.

MS3d files are present in this SOD folder, if someone wants to take a look at them ;) .

Personally, I like how the almost unused stock cardassian phaser plays with the Destroyer and the Scout as it show them not having a very powerful bio-pulse beam as the Battleship or Behemoth, but the canon 8472 sound is included because I like it very much too. Both codes can be found in the phser odf file for the Cruiser.

20) Pheewwww, Finally, you are ready to enjoy this mod, I'm sorry to make such long read me but it was neccesary to try to avoid problems.


1) Gene Roddenberry: For creating the Star Trek saga. Thank you very much!

2) Activision and Mad-Doc Software: For making the game.

3) Yacuzza for allowing me to use his Species 8472 button template from the Twilight Mod.

4) My friends, who have been quite insistent with me so I can begin releasing new modding materials XD .

5) Chiletrek (me!): Made the new models and textures.

6) You: For taking your time to take a look at my mod :)


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail me at: astro_nejiro at hotmail.com

I am not responsible for any type of damage, either for virus or for the use of this MOD.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version  01  Author  Chiletrek  Website   
Downloads  175  Size  3.48 MB  Created  2010-06-06 



#1 Terra_Inc 2010-06-07 06:19
And another S8472 pack. Awesome work, Chile! 10/10 :P
#2 dan1025 2010-06-07 10:55
Great work as usual Chile, I've been looking forward to this :-)

#3 Chiletrek 2010-06-07 19:25

And thank you for the coments :-)
#4 Omega_Mod_God 2010-06-08 07:40
Hey..... ummm... I've been attempting to put 8472 into an FO release via your releases. May I request a few things?

- Mothership

- Biosphere Station

- Active Embryo

- Passive Creator (Like a normal construction rig, but with unique bees)
#5 Adm_Zaxxon 2010-06-08 18:40
He's working on it gamer, Gosh, give him a break :roll:

Great work Chili, Can't wait for 'em all to be finished
#6 Adm_Zaxxon 2010-06-08 18:42
heh sorry to double post and to gamer... didn't mean it to come out that way, and ment to put :P instead of :roll: ... sry...
#7 Chiletrek 2010-06-08 19:27

Due to some time constrains I may be slow to post some more updates, but I'll do what Ican to make more releases.

As for the Terraspheres, I will first wait to finish all stock units before making addon units. But the Terrasphere will be done, and I think with some extra surprises too :D

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