Species 8472 Juggernaut Command Battleship Species 8472 Juggernaut Command Battleship

(2 votes)
Admiral_Dollison, 2005-08-01

This is an intresting and rather creative take on Species 8472. Having assumed that all their ships are uncrewed, the author has constructed a ship with the purposes of commanding the rest of the fleet. He includes detailed installation instructions.

Readme for 8472 Juggernaut Battleship

Category is ships/Species 8472 (since it has carrier properties, it could also go under stations/Species 8472 )

This is the 8472 Juggernaut Battleship for A2 (the first 8472 ship to carry a crew)

"The Juggernaut Battleship is build just like the 8472 cruiser (only alot bigger)
but armed and outfitted with enough shields and weapons to take on a whole enemy fleet. It also possesses two new weapons, the IMOD Biobeam, and the Juggernaut biowarhead. All other 8472 ships and stations have no crew but we know there are actual 8472 beings. There has to be a ship where actual 8472 control fleet movements. This ship is it. It is the only known 8472 ship that carries crew. It can also spawn scouts and destroyers for support and can spawn defenders so they can lay mines and sentinels without the defender having to come all the way from the fluidic gate."

to install:

copy/paste the 8472_jugg odf file into the odf/ships folder

copy/paste the 8472_jugg SOD file into the SOD folder

// The following files will activate the IMOD Biobeam (sprites for the weapon came with the original game).

copy/paste the imod odf file into the odf/weapons/phasers folder
copy/paste the imodo odf file into the odf/weapons/phasers folder
copy/paste the imodphas odf file into the odf/weapons/phasers folder

// The following files will activate the Juggernaut Biowarhead (sprites for weapon came
// with the original game

copy/paste the juggphot odf file into the odf/weapons/photons folder
copy/paste the juggphoto odf file into the odf/weapons/photons folder

// to complete the installation of the Juggernaut Battleship
// add the line

8472_jugg.odf 0

// into the fulltech and tech1 techtree files.

// in the sprites gui_global file add the line

b_8472_jugg gb8472_jugg 0 0 64 64

// then to to odf/stations folder and open the 8472_FluidicGate file and add (# = the next // number on the build list)

buildItem# = "8472_jugg"

// to the build list

// the only thing left to do is start a game and enjoy the ship!!!!!!!!!!

mod by N. Dollison- all i did was to modify a cruiser odf file and make the model bigger, of course i made the two new weapons and added the transport attack and tractor beam plus the first 8472 ship with crew.

Use the name Admiral_Dollison as the creator

Copyrite Note: Feel free to use this in you own mods, just mention my name as the creator!!
CONTACT ME AT rsnddollison@juno.com

Version  1.0  Author  Admiral_Dollison  Website   
Downloads  748  Size  16.08 KB  Created  2005-08-01 



#1 Wraith_166 2005-08-01 19:29
A pic would be really nice.
#2 smc 2005-08-02 07:15
Yeah, Im working on that. I had to get all of the back logged files up first. Now I just now plugged the ship into my game but it didn't work. I DO NOT think it is the file, it was the first time I attempted it ;-)

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