Buildable Rift Maker Buildable Rift Maker

(2 votes)
david_of_borg, 2005-04-20

This Makes the rift maker buildable Tongue and give species a Transwarp-Like Divice, Mes Recomending a Download.

rift maker für armada II

von: david_of_borg


1. kopieren sie alle dateien in die entspechenden ordner

2. öffnen sie die dateien tech1 und fulltech tragen sie unter species8472 ships:

8472_heromothership.odf 0


gmasfluid.odf 0


3. öffnen sie die datei gui_global und schreiben sie unter

# 8472 build buttons

b_8472_heromother gb8472_heromother 0 0 64 64

4. schreiben sie unter

# Special weapon buttons

b_gmasfluid gbmastran00 0 0 64 64

und fertig
jetzt können sie mit dem rife maker flüssigspalten öffnen !
viel spaß

[b]English Translation[/b]

rift more maker for armada II:
david_of_borg david. installation: 1. copy it all files into the entspechenden files 2. open it the files tech1 and fulltech carry it under species8472 ships: 8472_heromothership.odf 0 and under SPECIES 8472 SPECIAL WEAPONS: gmasfluid.odf 0. 3. open it the file gui_global and write it under # 8472 build buttons @reference=64 @tmaterial=default for b_8472_heromother gb8472_heromother 0 0 64 64 4. write it under # Special weapon buttons b_gmasfluid gbmastran00 0 0 64 64 and finished now can it with that rife more maker liquidsplit to open! much fun

Version    Author  david_of_borg  Website   
Downloads  532  Size  15.72 KB  Created  2005-04-20 



#1 JamesTiberiusKirk 2005-04-21 08:47
pictures? or anything like that?
#2 Mislav 2005-04-21 10:40
I nice mod. Original. Not hard to make for modders, but as I presume, this is your first mod, so I'm just going to say keep the good work. And remember " boldly go where no one has gone before."

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