Bio-Ship Escort Bio-Ship Escort

(2 votes)
Chiletrek, 2006-09-19

Well, this is another addition to Species 8472 (not that we get much for them). Looks a lot like a Bio-Ship, just with a different texture and shorter neck. A nice little addition. Smile


Species 8472_destroy2 - Escort Bioship:

I am Chiletrek and this mod contains a new ship for Species8472: the Escort Bioship.

Things I made:

1) New model based on the 8472_battle and the 8472_destroy Bioships.
2) This new Bioship uses the same texture as the original 8472_destroy.
3) This pack also contains an ODF, buildbutton, wireframe and Admiral's Log pic for the Escort Bioship.
4) This Read me file with instruction as detailed as possible.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip the contents of this file on a temporary folder.
2) Open your Star Trek Armada II folder.
3) Copy 8472_destroy2.sod and paste it in your SOD folder.
4) Copy 8472_destroy2.bmp and paste it in your \bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages folder.
5) Copy 8472wiredestroy2.tga & 8472_Destroy2.tga , and paste them in your \Textures\RGB folder.
6) Copy 8472_destroy2.odf and paste it in your \odf\ships folder.

7) Open your Sprites folder and open gui_global.spr with Notepad.
8) Search for: # 8472 build buttons

9) Paste this line:
b_8472_destroy2 gb8472_destroy2 0 0 64 64
below the last 8472 build button.

10) Now Search for: #8472 Wireframes
11) Paste this line:
8472_destroy2w1 8472wiredestroy2 256 256 256 256
below the last 8472 wireframe.

- To add the Escort to the Map Editor:
12) Open your \odf\other folder.
13) Search and open with Notepad the file: e8_comba.odf
14) add this line below the last line:
item* = "8472_destroy2" , where * is the next free number.

- To add the Bioship to the Active Embryo for evolution:
15) Go to your odf\ships folder and open 8472_active.odf with Notepad, search the Construction Parameters and add:
buildItem* = "8472_destroy2" , where * is the next free number.

16) Pheewwww, Finally, you are ready to enjoy this mod. This ship was created to enhance the Species 8472 forces while waiting for your Cruisers to be evolved or your Behemoths and Battleships to come out from the Fluidic Gate; This ship is also useful for protecting Collectors and Transmuter and they are cool enough to provoke considerable damage to the enemy, but do not overestimate to much this Bioships.


1) Gene Roddenberry: For creating the Star Trek saga. Thank you very much!
2) Activision and Mad-Doc Software: For making the game.
3) You: For taking your time to take a look at my mod :)


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail me at: astro_nejiro at

I am not responsible for any type of damage, either for virus or for the use of this MOD.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version    Author  Chiletrek  Website   
Downloads  421  Size  230.77 KB  Created  2006-09-19 



#1 warp_core 2006-09-21 12:30
its more like a kitbash using the bioships front with the destroyers back end and its textures

Not a bad effort hehe, won't be downloading though unfortunatly i only download full mods not single ships :sad:

Nice effort 7/10
#2 Chiletrek 2006-09-21 15:19

Well, it is a Kitbash, I wanted to make a simple ship to fill the role as a heavy destroyer because there is too much difference between the Destroyer and the Cruiser. And warp core, I am planing to release a big 8472 mod, I hope you and all the community like it because it has new units and a few surprises.
#3 td_rand 2006-09-22 10:01
Looks super cool! This might be the best kitbash in a long time. This is real nice because it is quite cannon-looking. It is a shame that more people don't come out with more 8472 ships (ones that are more realistic, not armored or a bulky mess). Look foward to your up and comming mod! Keep up the Great Work.
#4 Chiletrek 2006-09-23 22:48

Thank you very much for your comment, I'll try to finish my mod as soon as possible.

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