8472 Repair Bee 8472 Repair Bee

(16 votes)
8of5, 2002-06-27

This adds a repair ship to the Species 8472 build list. Now all but the borg have a repair ship

####8472 Repair Bee by 8of5####

This mod adds a repair\'bee\' to the species8472. I took the 8472 bee from there turret constructer thing and made
a new odf button and Admirals log picture.
To install you have to put the SOD\'s in the SOD directory
~ Button in the Textures\\RGB directory
~ Admirals log images in the bitmaps\\AdmiralsLog\\ShipImages directory
~ odf\'s in the odf/ships directory
add the line 8472repair.odf 0 to the tech file (under the other 8472 ships)
~ ~ ~ b_8472repair gb8472repair 0 0 64 64
under 8472 build buttons


The only problems I\'ve had is that for some reason the repair beam isnt visable (but it dose
repair) and my buttons look desorted (but I think this may be a problem with my PC)


Sorry if there are any problems but I doupt I can help and will not be held responsable (but
I sujest that you make backups of the files you replace)


If you want to use these in your mod go right ahead
If you wish to contact me email Griggy55@hotmail.com
Sorry there are no wireframes but I cant make them if anyone makes them I would be very
greatful if you sent them to me.

I have also included the 8472mother SOD from before the patch so that it now pulses again

Version    Author  8of5  Website   
Downloads  1,293  Size  121.67 KB  Created  2002-06-27 



#1 dragon_uk2002 2002-08-02 15:05
Im almost 100% sure that after downloading this ship, by species 8472 beams fired white lines!!!

Can anyone help me with this please. I could'nt get the bee to work at all?

Please help, u got something to work on anyway :-)
#2 spider_man274 2002-09-01 16:04
if you have seen the picture of the day,

#3 Mr. Greg 2002-09-01 16:13
After your comment on Major's new ship, I'll be damned if I tell you :roll:
#4 Chiletrek 2003-07-26 12:41
The problem with the bee is that has no hardpoints, thats why the beam is not visible (but it can repair), and the bee look weird in-game is because is an animated SOD and every animated ship has problems with the Scales.
#5 Guest 2003-08-05 03:15
they dont need to colonize planets they need 1 pilot per ship
#6 KSG 2006-09-04 07:03
Species 8472 repair and there own. They don't need a repair ship.
#7 ST_and_SW_Freak 2007-07-16 16:09
yeah but what if they're right in the middle of battle and are severely damaged? that would be a good oppritunity to use it.

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