Space Odyssey Ship(s) Space Odyssey Ship(s)

(5 votes)
Admiral_Icehawk, 2006-12-21

From the Mail:

Heres The Mod, Sorry But It Turns The Monolith Is Bugged, so It Should Not Be Mentioned In The Introduction Part
That I feel needs mentioning, just in case.

Anyway, to the review, a collection of ships from Space Odyssey (well, two ships). - Thats pretty much it...


This is a ship from the great classic movie 2001: A Space Oddessy and it's sequel 2010: The Year We Make Contact. It is a
Non-FTL ship equipped with 3 extra-vehicular activity (EVA) pods. So I figured It would work as a construction ship with the
EVA pods as the Work Bees, If you feel other wise I have included Hitpoint Maps so you can make it anything you want.

3 Models:
The Discovery As Seen In 2001
The Discovery Covered In Sulfer As Seen In 2010
The EVA Pod As Scene In Both 2001 and 2010

5 Textures For:
The Discovery 2001, Normal And Borg
The Discovery 2010, Normal And Borg
The EVA Pods

2 ODFs For:
The Discovery As Seen In 2001
The Discovery Covered In Sulfer As Seen In 2010

2 Build Buttons For:
The Discovery As Seen In 2001
The Discovery Covered In Sulfer As Seen In 2010

Model = Admiral_Icehawk
ODF = Admiral_Icehawk
Textures = Created By Converted For Armada 2 by ColdDarkParanoia moddified for the Discovery by Admiral_Icehawk


1. Copy the folders into the Armada 2 folder

2. Open your gui_global.spr in the misc folder and scroll down to where is says

# Federation buildbuttons

copy this right below the @reference=64 line

b_discovery-one gbdiscovery1 0 0 64 64
b_discovery-one-dusty gbdiscovery1d 0 0 64 64

3. Open and in the techtrees folder and add to each file,

discovery-one.odf 0
discovery-one-dusty.odf 0

4. Next open a shipyard file and add

buildItemX = "discovery-one"

where X is the next available number

or if you want the brown one instead or as well add

buildItemX = "discovery-one-dusty"


The Discovery One from books written by Arthur C. Clarke and was brought to life by
Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Oddessy and Peter Hyams' 2010: The Year We Make Contact

You may redistribute this ship mod or include it in your mod as long as you include
the credits above in your readme. Feel free to alter the odfs, textures and model if
you feel they look out of place in your game, and be sure to tell me if make a better Discovery or EVA pod


Email = admiral_icehawkAThotmailDOTcom

or just place your comments in the comments section.

Version    Author  Admiral_Icehawk  Website   
Downloads  517  Size  1.10 MB  Created  2006-12-21 



#1 Starblade. 2006-12-21 13:57
Yes, but the question I know everyone is going to want answered.....

.....does it come with an "Open the pod bay doors, HAL" special weapon? :D :D :D
#2 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-12-22 01:39
I'm Releasing A Sound Pack For This Ship With All The HAL-9000 Sounds
#3 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-12-24 22:23
#4 Husnock 2006-12-28 16:34
*Giggles with glee*

We need more mods like this! Classic sci-fi! No intergalactic wars, no melodramatic space operas, just good old-fashioned campy inter-system exploration and "Space" the way it used to be, way back when...

Now we need a Space Odyssey duology pack...
#5 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-12-29 06:48
Irronically the Alexi Leonov from 2010 inspired the design Omega class destroyer from Bablyon 5, If anyone can make a ship with moving parts they should try making the Alexi Leanov, It's a pretty Pimp ed looking ship and a true testement to someones modeling and modding talent.

Imagine of the monolith's in 2010 didn't create the 2nd sun and the world ws destroyed in a nuclear war, and the only combatants left were the Discovery with Floyd, Cunrow, Chandra and HAL vs the Russians on the Alexi Leanov, Course Arthor C Clark wouldn't want it that way. I would same as every other show if that happened.

All Sci-fi is good in it's own way, cept for the poorly written stuff by politically motivated non-scifi authors , Who don't know what the $%@# they are talking about and don't care about the story. That why series are great like Alien/Predator , Star Trek, Star Wars, Space Oddessy, Back To The Future, Stargate (not Infinity), BSG, Halo (even though it's owners are @$$holes), Bablyon 5, Terminator, Starship Troopers and many others, the one word that makes the shows great Commitment, Sorry for the rant. If you think of any others put them down,otherwise I think these comments have run pretty dry.
#6 Imperial_Ace 2006-12-31 02:47
I like the white textured ship, the other one looks... A bit like a stick. Still great work though just for the white textured ship. If you try to vary the shades of the textures somewhat you may come up with something a little less mono-toned.
#7 Admiral_Icehawk 2006-12-31 06:09
IA, watch 2010 in that they find the white ship, which has been floating in space, at the Lagrangian Point netween Jupiter and Io (supended in the gravity of both planets) for 9 years all covered in sulfur and it looks just like that or just look at this pic,

it is from 2010,

by the way, I'm a real noob when it comes to texturing, they only thing i'm really good at is borgifying textures. In 2001 the ship doesn't have that many shades of colour,sorta realistic because of it's basicness, glad you liked the ship though, Kubrick was wise to choose the design
#8 ST_and_SW_Freak 2008-04-13 16:24
I totally agree with you about the Leonov. It is a B-E-A-Utiful ship that shows the power and glory of the once-mighty Soviet Union. Someone plz make it. Oh, and also to reply your rant, I'd like to add the Andromeda series into that list of shows you had.
#9 Karle94 2008-05-13 22:27
For som reasons i can`t build the ship. Have I done something wrong?

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