Vor'reel Battlecruiser Vor'reel Battlecruiser

(9 votes)
adm stacks, 2007-07-15

Whilst not much is known about the Star Trek universe between the maiden voyage of the Enterprise B till the destruction of the Enterprise C, many people have taken it upon themselves to create ships which would neatly slot into this missing part of history. This is one such example and a fine one at that. The Vor'reel is the Romulan’s answer to both the Federation Ambassador class and the newly constructed Klingon Vor'Cha class, but as is displayed in the readme, whilst the Vor'reel 'did the job' at the time, it was growing more apparent that something else was needed to bolster the Romulan imperial navy; enter the D'Deridex. As instructed, this ship would not be as powerful as the D'Deridex but would be likely on terms and perhaps more powerful than the Vor'Cha and Ambassador, meaning it still has quite a realm of power, as reflected in the odf's. Given two disruptors and a heavy plasma torpedo (watch out bases!) along with a re-enforced hull, the ship will be quite a knock-down, but she does take a long time to build. Nevertheless, she packs a punch.

Players of 'Legacy' may find the design reminiscent of the Romulan TMP battleship in it, but I believe this wasn't the intended case. It does indeed look very nice and fits in with the era well and complements to the well-incorporated Borg textures which many mods lack. Complete with build button and wireframe, the only thing missing is indeed an admiral's pic, but that doesn't take too long to do and you can make your own one (I always find that to be fun anyhow). All in all a very decent ship that should play well for a race that doesn't have too many ships going for it (well, compared to the Federation at least). I'd recommend using it for strikes en masse, but don't rely on it to hold its own in a prolonged fire-fight. It's very powerful torpedo will give it an edge entering combat, but its reload time will harm you. The ship also comes with optional high resolution textures to make the ship look even better making this advisable to download.

*****************ROMULAN VOR'REEL CLASS***************
*******************README FILE*************************
********************Version 1**************************

During the early 24th century, the Federation fielded the new Ambassador class starship. The Romulan Imperial Senate decreed that the Imperial Navy required a new battleship. A short time later, the first Vor'reel class battleship came out of the shipyard at Remus.
The Vor'reel being a capable warship faired very well against all, then current Federation and Klingon ships. After the Klingons presented the mighty Vor'cha, the Romulan Imperial Navy replaced the Vor'reel with the larger, more powerful D'deridex class Warbird. Slowly phasing out the Vor'reel.

The Vor'reel will fit nicely with a Pre-TNG setting or have a slightly re-written ODF for a Post-TNG setting.


the zip file contains:
README.txt : this file, with installation instructions
SOD file
TGA files [there are both 512 and 256 files. default is 256. to install the 512, delete the 256 files and remove the '_high' from the files]
techtree / tech1 file
Sprite files [lights, gui-global, weapon]
ODF files [ships, stations, weapons]

unzip (and overwrite if computer asks)
IF your game is modded, then unzip into a seperate folder and manually install it.

no team colors... cause i hate team color :)

SOD: adm stacks
TEXTURE: adm stacks
ODF: adm stacks

thanks to ChileTrek for helping me understand joint rotation. Without his help, the ship wouldn't look right ;)

for any question:
admstacks AT yahoo DOT com


Version    Author  adm stacks  Website   
Downloads  329  Size  623.50 KB  Created  2007-07-15 



#1 thunderfoot006 2007-07-15 11:56
What a fine looking Rommie ship! Thank you for sharing this. She looks wicked and I cannot wait to try her out. D/Ling now.
#2 Chiletrek 2007-07-15 15:40

This is great! I was waiting to download the official version of this great ship. She is a formidable Romulan warbird and a great addition to the Romulan Star Empire's Fleet. Good job Rock 10/10
#3 adm_stacks 2007-07-15 22:13
Sorry about not including an admirals pic. I don't usually view them, so I didn't think about it.
#4 ph0eniixx 2007-07-18 01:49
great design... i liked the blinking lights that are eyes... however when i used it at close range it fired what looked to be little sugar cubes for torpedoes! LOL.. anyway that could be tweeked?

#5 adm_stacks 2007-07-18 22:24
Did you install everything in the file?

it sounds like you are missing the texture for the torpedoes. If this is true, you can always replace the torps sprite with one of your chosing.

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