Valdores Class
This is Dawn's version of the Valdores class. The Valdores class is the Romulan ship in the upcoming Star Trek movie, Star Trek: Nemesis.
Dawn's version is EXCELLENT! It looks almost exactly like his reference.
*************************** Valdores v1 *******************************
zip file includes:
- 2 handdrawn high res ship texture maps
- 2 weapon textures
- Valdores Class for A2 (poly count: 1900)
- Valdores Class Refit (poly count: about 2000)
- various ship + weapon odfs
- build buttons and Admirals Log - Ship Images
- harpoint map
copy ...
*.tga >>> Textures\RGB
g*.odf >>> odf\special_weapons
r*.odf >>> odf\ships (rvatorp.odf, rvatorpo.odf >>> odf\weapons\Photons
rvaphas.odf, rvaphaso.odf >>> odf\weapons\Phasers
rdval.odf, rdvalo.odf >>> odf\weapons\Pulse)
v*.odf >>> \odf\other
*.bmp >>> bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages
add to weapon.spr:
(below: @reference=256
# Valdores Torp
wvatorp wpulsarr 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex4x4
# Valdores Heavy Disruptor
wvahdis wheavyd 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex4x4
add to
rvaldores.odf 0
rvaldref.odf 0
rvaldrefx.odf 0
rvalpod.odf 0
gbm.odf 0
gdbm.odf 0
grvalup.odf 0
add to gui_global.spr:
b_rvaldores gbrvald 0 0 64 64
b_rvalpod gbrvalp 0 0 64 64
b_grvalup gbrvalup 0 0 64 64
b_gbm gbrvalup 0 0 64 64
b_gdbm gbrvalup 0 0 64 64
make rvaldores.odf and rvalpod.odf buildable in a shipyard of your choice .. have fun :)
Note: if your graphic card doesn't support high res. textures (can't see
the ship in game ... i.e. Voodoo3 cards) .. just resize the texture from
512x512 to 256x256 and save as uncompressed tga 32 bit
- the weaponary of this mod is NOT canon ! ;)
Version | Author | Dawn | Website | ||
Downloads | 4,622 | Size | 1.29 MB | Created | 2002-09-16 |
1) The image of the Valdore comes from the IGN website. It is the design of two Romulan Warbirds in "Star Trek: Nemesis", of which one was identified as "Valdore". The resemblance to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey is striking and may be intentional, considering that the BoP was originally meant to be a Romulan ship. But it makes no sense of all, if we take into account that the BoP is actually supposed to be a genuinely Klingon design (ENT: "The Expanse"
Anyway, very nice, very nice indeed.
#44, that would be the word filter. Not exactly the most intellegent, as it filters out ANY thing with the words A double S inlcuding the word C-l-a-s-s.
So it is a Norexian Warbird. But hey, Valdores sounds so much better