The Hawk Project The Hawk Project

(14 votes)
thunderfoot006, 2007-10-28

It's not often you see an upgrade for a file SO complete, SO well done, that you are left wondering, "why can't EVERY file be this good???"

This, my friends, is that file.

The Star Empire must be pretty proud of thunderfoot006 today, 'cause there is one hell of a warbird available for the Romulans in this file. thunderfoot006 has not only taken the original (a lovely SFC3 port by Sherman2) and made it shine, he included the original .zip for reference!

And while it has all the shiny stuff you'd want in a single ship mod (balanced to stock game, Borg textures, build button, wireframe, Admiral's Log pic), it ALSO has modified .AIP files for both Instant Action games AND the single-player missions! How sweet it is!

Now, if you like your techtree the way it is (and who doesn't?) you'll probably want to mod this one in manually-- but you can add this to a stock A2 build and boom! Instant glory for Romulus!

In the readme, thunderfoot006 also mentions that " is given to Sherman2, ChileTrek, and kel333. Without them, there would be no Hawk 1.1. ....they put a lot of time and effort into helping me out. I insist they are acknowledged."

Maybe so, but let me acknowledge this-- if you have any intentions, now or ever, of uploading a file to A2Files, I strongly recommend you take a look at the organization and overall thoughtfulness demonstrated in this little .zip by thunderfoot006, because no matter how much you love (or love to blow up) this ship, the zip itself is simply beyond fault --it's awesome.

And yeah, the ship itself is awesome, too. Very awesome. Scary awesome. Download it now!


- the Kid

Hawk 1.1 Project by thunderfoot006, ChileTrek, and kel333

Greetings, Centurion! Here is another prize for the Empire! Way back in 2004, Sherman2 ported over the Romulan Hawk class heavy cruiser from SFC3 to A2. It is a beautiful ship and one of my favourites in SFC3. Sherman did an outstanding job on the model and it shows when you look at it in the Storm3D Viewer. This mod adds in all the stuff that makes a great ship truly awesome. A build button, an improved ODF, and directions to make the Hawk-class cruiser behave like a stock ship. Borg Textures are also included.
Please note: the original model and textures are all Sherman2's work. It is HIS ship and he deserves full credit for it. All I have done is add in some little stuff. Thank you, Sherman2, for such a great ship!

I did not use an auto installer because it could overwrite something you already have in the game that you really like. If your game is as heavily modded as mine is,(1.39GB!), you are already on thin ice. I have tried to make the instructions easy to follow for someone who has never added in a ship or modded the game. Please follow the directions carefully and double check your work. I know, I know. It is long, boring, and at this point, all you want to do is fire up the game and start laying the smack down on those uppity Federationers like they deserve. Please be patient and follow the directions, I want you to enjoy this ship as much as I do ;).

- A ReadMe, I don't know why. NO ONE reads the ReadMe
- A Notepad document titled, "Installation Instructions", which has all directions and lines needed for adding the ship into the game completely.
- A zipped copy of Sherman2's original Hawk 1.0 mod, so you will not have to go hunting for it
- An RGB folder which contains new textures for the ship, Borg textures, a wireframe, and a build button.
The wireframe is not very good. If you make up a better one, please send me a copy.
- An udated SOD
- An updated ODF.
- An Admiral's Pic.
- Modified AIP's for the Romulans whichs adds in the Hawk for Instant Action Games, Fed SP Mission 03, and Klingon SP Mission 06.
- Modified techtrees so the AI can build the ship in Instant Action and Multiplayer.
- Stock AIP and techtree files, just in case.
Potential Problems
This mod has been tested only within the SP Campaign and Instant Action vs. the 'puter. I do not know if it will work in online Multiplayer. As always, I accept no responsibility for your 'puter or your game. This file was checked for viruses and completeness before upload. If it doesn't work right the first time, please go back and read the directions. Then, install the mod again AFTER you read the directions.

Gene Roddenberry, for giving us such a cool place to play.
Paramount, Activision & Mad Doc for making and putting out Armada I and II
Sherman2 for the original mod, and for graciously allowing me to update it.
FahReS, for his excellent tutorial on build buttons and wireframes.
Chiletrek, for advice, alpha channels, beta testing, damage textures, and being an all-round good guy.
kel333, for helping me sort out the mess I made of the wireframe.
YOU, for D/L'ing this mod.

Release Info:

This mod is only to be hosted at

This is because the people here are Uber Cool, fun to hang out with, and are helping me with my little Star Trek: Armada 2 addiction. (1.4GB and growing daily).

If you want to use Sherman2's original mod, you will have to get permission from him.

As to the stuff in this update, permission must be obtained from me via email before you can use it in anything else destined for public release. I will be a lot more inclined to say, "Yes" if credit is given to Sherman2, ChileTrek, and kel333. Without them, there would be no Hawk 1.1. I do not care if you credit me personally or not, but they put a lot of time and effort into helping me out. I insist they are acknowledged. I will also be a lot more inclined to say, "Yes" if your work will be available as a download here at A2 Files.



Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail or PM me from here.
All of the people mentioned by name herein are blameless for anything which may be wrong with this mod. All the mistakes are mine alone.

I am not responsible for any type of damage to your 'puter from misuse of this mod.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version  1.1  Author  thunderfoot006  Website   
Downloads  636  Size  3.69 MB  Created  2007-10-28 



#1 thunderfoot006 2007-10-28 11:26
I just sent this in last night. And it is available less than 12 hours later. Also got 10's across the board from the reviewer. This is a new personal best for me. Thank you for the kind words, Kid. I hope everyone else likes this as much as you do. "For the Empire!"
#2 Chiletrek 2007-10-28 18:23

It is awesome to see this mod finally online for us to download it (the final 1.1 version I mean :D ). A very complete mo, it deserves that rating, congratulations.

10/10 :-)
#3 kel333 2007-10-29 08:02
Did anyone else get a CTD when selecting the Hawk?
#4 thunderfoot006 2007-10-29 18:10
Please explain what a CTD is. I D/L'd the file and checked the contents against what I have installed. They match 100% what I have ingame. I may be able to help if you describe more.
#5 kel333 2007-10-29 19:21
CTD: crash to desktop.

I believe it's caused because the wireframe is in 8 bit format. When I changed it to 32 bit, true color, I no longer got the crash.

I didn't think this would cause a crash, so I wanted to know if anyone else got it, or if it was just my buggy computer.

I only installed it as a starting unit, so a full install would probably get the crash (if it were going to) when you click on the station's build button (thereby activating the wireframe's texture).
#6 thunderfoot006 2007-10-29 20:42
kel333, got your email with the corrected wireframe and uploaded it here ASAP. Thank you so very much for fixing my screwup. Link to corrected wireframe follows:;84022
#7 thunderfoot006 2007-11-09 03:42
I am pleased, proud, and more than a little delighted at the number of people whom have downloaded this. I hope you enjoy the ship as much as I do. I look forward to doing this again for you.

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