Shadow Class (Dogs of War Edition) Shadow Class (Dogs of War Edition)

(5 votes)
K7A, 2006-05-31

Other then my own re-texture and the ocassional odd Romulan ship, this site doesn't have too much on it for the Romulan side, I think you'll all agree. Then, however, you get something like this which is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and this does it fantastically!

Giving a stunning re-texture to my favourite stock science ship, the Romulan Shadow, it makes it darker, sleeker and generally more fearsome to look at. With an odf that has been re-balanced for the ship to compensate for it's additional power (it takes a long time to build and a lot of resources, but it's worth it), it's brilliance simply comes down into it's stunning textures.

Try this out now and have a piece of the upcoming Dogs of War mod too. In retrospect. the quality of this I think far excels that of the Sabre released a short while ago, but both are still very good. Nice work here, definitely a download.

Shadow Class From Star Trek Armada II Dogs of War By K7A

Like the sabre class I released this ship is a Retexture that will be included on my upcoming MOD dogs of war!!!

MODEL - Activision

Unlike the Sabre Class, this re-texture will require written permission, to be included in your MOD. This is due to the fact that the Sabre appeared in a MOD one week after release and I have not even released Dogs of War yet.

Contact Me (K7A) At for permission!!!!!


Put the appropriate files in the correct folders
and you should be good to go.

Known Bugs - None

PS I am not responsible for any damages this causes to your PC!!!

-K7A - Head Modder of Dogs of War

Version    Author  K7A  Website   
Downloads  915  Size  1.04 MB  Created  2006-05-31 



#1 HMS_Frontier 2006-05-31 03:47
I Not A Big Fan Of The Shadow Class But Thats Magnificent
#2 SamScritch 2006-06-01 00:31
OMG i love it. Maybe (with permission and when i get up to it) i might use this in the romulan side of my mod Heros
#3 Shadow51689 2006-06-01 01:02
FileFront isn't cooperating with me right now, so I haven't actually seen the model ingame ect. but from the pictures and description it looks fantastic! The Shadow class was always a favorite of mine (and not just because of the Energy-Shield Converter and other awesome specials), and I think you've done it justice.

We definitely do need more Romulan stuff!! (Anyone wanna do something about the Griffen? *hint* *hint*) My favorite race.
#4 Doom369 2006-06-03 11:56
I have a texture for both the Shadow wich looks similar to this one and the Griffin that I converted from other games. but from what I can see here, this is nice looking. I'm gonna down load it and check it out. Doom369 out.
#5 Doom369 2006-06-03 12:06
this shadow texture is better looking than the one i have, I think, and it maches Neons Warbird, nice. good work.
#6 Raygen 2006-08-10 04:04
To Shadow51689,

I'll be working on a Griffin with 5 8472 Pulse Phasers (in my mod, there are warships with 5 of them). And of course, with Tractor Beam, Shield Converter and other awsome technologys of The Shadow!

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