Romulan D'deridex Class Warbird Romulan D'deridex Class Warbird

(1 vote)
HMS_Frontier, 2008-10-20

New weapons and hardpoints for the stock Romulan warbird. Includes a new plasma torpedo.

Note that this comes as an auto-installer, which isn't everyone's idea of a good thing.

Worth a look.



1.Make sure you have a backup of your a2 folder before installing any mod
2.Run Auto Intall it will not overide any of your files.
3.Open weapon.spr found in the sprites folder of your a2 folder and go to the # Star Trek Weapon Effects and add

# Disropter Flare
dflare xflareg 0 0 64 64 @anim=tex2x2

4a.Then go to the # New weapons section and add

# Romulan Plasma Torpedo
wromplastorp wromplastorp 0 0 42 42 @anim=tex3x3

4b.Save weapon.spr

5.Open ryard2.odf found in the odf/stations folder of your a2 folder and add

buildItemx = "RSE_D'deridex_Class"

to the build list replacing x with the number it is on the list

5b.Save ryard2.odf

6.Test out the ship against some Klingon dogs and have fun

Model and Textures: Mad doc
Hardpointing:HMS Frontier
Ship and Weapon Odf Files: HMS Frontier
Plasma Torpedoes Texture: HMS Frontier

You are free to use this in your mod and to alter it in any way so long as it is not for profit and credit is given


Any attack on the Klingon Empire is not endorsed by the imperial Romulan Senate.
The term "klingon dogs" does not reflect the official opinion of the Romulan Senate.


Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Armada, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version    Author  HMS_Frontier  Website  Website external 
Downloads  372  Size  1.55 MB  Created  2008-10-20 



#1 HMS_Frontier 2008-10-21 03:06
Its not the stock a2 warbird but the stock bc warbird wich is much better and the auto installer wont overide any think

PS:the readme should read buildItemx = "RSE_D'deridex_Class"

not buildItemx = "RSE_D'deridex_Class"
#2 rikkardnovacat 2008-10-24 19:23
that comment confuses me, the last part i mean
#3 afcZman 2008-10-25 12:55
Its called copy and paste lol not confusing at all if you actually look at it. ;-)
#4 Firewarrior1705 2008-10-30 01:08
good model but not as good as neon's warbird, that one is just perfect

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