Peragon Class Peragon Class

(2 votes)
Adam_Atlantian, 2008-01-29

You know the way the Romulan Star Empire likes to borrow ideas from other races in their quest for galactic supremacy? Just take the Steamrunner's Tri-Cobalt torpedoes which somehow found their way onto the Raptor Class, or the D-7 Battlecruisers that they acquired from their alliance with the Klingons..or even attempting to steal a next-generation Federation fleetbuster - the Prometheus Class.

Well those pesky Romulan are at it again, with the help of Adam_Atlantian, they now have the Peragon Class. The Peragon Class is an odd ship that looks pretty hard to take down. A kitbash of a Warbird, Negh'var and Sovereign, it certainly has got a menacing presence to it.

When I first saw it, I thought the textures are akin to A1 and yep, they are. These are from Achilles' Alliances Mod for A1. The model looks good for a Kitbash although at times it's difficult to make out what's what and where's where when using it, but then again who cares once it does it's job.

I think it has great potential. A bit more around the wings and a sleak retexture come pay dividends for this model..Still very cool work! Thumbsup


\*-*/~Peragon Class~\*-*/

Hurray for random kitbashes. I was going to enter this in the Modding contest over the summer I think, but never found the time to put it all together. So here it is now. The Peragon Class. A Kitbash of a Warbrid, Neg'var, and Sovergin.


Mesh - Pieces from Activision(Put together by me)
Textures - All textures came from Achilles' Alliances Mod for A1.

__Included in This Mod__

Lightmapped Textures
Admiral Pic


1. Notice that this file contains a number of folders. Each named after a specific location in your Armada Directory. Now, the files in each folder are to be placed in their respective locaions as designated by where they are in this zip.

Basically, Copy the contents of the SOD folder in this mod to the SOD folder in your Armada II directory. All the Textures go in the Textures>RGB Folder of your Armada II directory and so on and so forth.

2. Open the Sprites folder in the Armada II directory and find the gui_global.spr file and open it. Locate the following lines:

# Romulan build buttons

and add beneath it:

b_rpera perabb 0 0 128 128

Now locate the lines:

# Ship Wireframes

and add beneath them:

rperaw1 rperawf 0 0 40 40

Now save and close the gui_global.spr file.

3. Go into the techtree folder in the Armada II directory and locate the file. Open it and add the following line:

rpera.odf 1 ryard.odf

Save and close the file.

4. Open the ODF>stations folder and locate the ryard.odf file. Open it and locate the following line:

//Construction Parameters

Below it will be a list of things buildable by the station. Add the followinto the end of the list:

buildItemX = "rpera"

X is the next number in the list. Dont forget to change it!

That should do it. Now you are ready to fly forth with your new Romulan Ship.


If you have any problems or suggestions feel free to contact me at:


Have fun!

Version    Author  Adam_Atlantian  Website   
Downloads  373  Size  1.39 MB  Created  2008-01-29 



#1 exodus_499 2008-01-29 09:52
A much as it is a cool ship (I really do like the design) where are the sovereign bits? It looks more jst Klingon/rommie to me, and very good too.
#2 Eluvatar 2008-01-29 15:58
ya me to :o I sota see the necels but... thats not sov
#3 Adam_Atlantian 2008-01-29 19:48
It is the Nacelles, They are from the stock A1 Sovereign.

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