Kryonyx Class Carrier
What's with these Romulan ships? FIrst there's none, now there's 3 a week!
I shouldn't complain though, because they're all of beautiful quality, especially Bryan's here.
Keep up the good work!
Romulan Kryonyx class carrier
Model by Bryan
Textures by : Cleeve (SFC moddeler)
Build time: 4 hours
Add this to any shipyard ODF file.
builditem* = "racrrier"
Add this line to your and freetech files.
rcarrier.odf 0
Add this line to your weapon.spr file
kds9brst wkdisruptor 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4
Add this to your gui_global file under romulan build buttons
b_rcarrier gbfrcarrier 0 0 64 64
Add this to your gui_global file under the wireframes section
rcarrierw1 rwireframe 0 0 128 128
DISCLAIMER: Feel free to alter this ship in anyway, but please give credit where it is deserved. Also if you want to use this ship in your mod, feel free again, but is just polite :)
Version | Author | Bryan | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,401 | Size | 429.44 KB | Created | 2002-12-22 |
My only gripe about it is it says its a carrier of soldiers for planetary attacks yet it doesnt have Transport Attack (like Kestrels) or the capability to attack planets.
If you want it to attack planets, simply add the line canAttackPlanets = 1 somewhere in the .odf file.
Resistance is no longer futile
That said, this is an awesome ship!