Griffin Class Griffin Class

(5 votes)
Transmission, 2008-07-13

Romulan ships are a tricky thing to get right, but this one's got everything where it should be.

Let me explain: Ever since the iconic Romulan D'deridex class warbird appeared on screen, it's been a hard act to follow in the fandom. For one thing, it's so big. And they only ever appear in fleets of identical warbirds, all either armed differently or something. So the concept of a smaller Romulan ship, for a while, was hard to imagine. The Romulan scout ship and science vessel seen in TNG, and the shuttle in DS9, implied that more than once, these vessels would have to go to war with escorts.

In their designs for the stock A2, the designers gave us some splendid designs (like the Shadow and Draconarius), others that were boring (the Shrike and Phoenix), and others that simply made us cringe (the Venator).... but the Griffin was a design that both looks and acts the part of a Romulan vessel in-game. Psionic special weapons and myotronic stupidities aside, the Romulans are probably one of the most poorly put-together races in stock A2. But the Griffin suits the needs of the Star Empire.

Ash's latest release, as seen here, takes the Griffin in directions we've all wanted it to be taken: stylistically, the texture and the model earn this Griffin release some major respect. And best of all, even though Ash doesn't include buildbuttons or wireframes, all you're doing is overwriting a stock model, so it's no big deal, relatively speaking.

Download this one today.

- the Kid



Romulan Griffin Class Cruiser


Original Model Concept: Activision

Original Mesh Creation: Activision
Original Mesh Textures: LC Amaral

Conversion of Mesh: Tycoon (this would be me)
- Split model for texturing

Texture Modifications: Tycoon (this would be me)
- Mapped new textures to model
- reworked lightmaps


Files Included:

.TXT File(s) x1
.JPG File(s) x3
.ODF File(s) x1
.SOD File(s) x1
.TGA File(s) x2


Authors Notes:

* The poly count for this model stands at 597.
* There are two 512x512 texture sets for use with this model.

* Users of this file / ship will have to add it into the game themselves.
* This file is without the game essentials. Build Buttons, Wireframes, Admirals Log Image are not included.
* sprites and tech tree allocations have not been done either. Users will have to complete this themselves.

* Ask if you'd like to use this in a project. I'd rather people not assume they can do as they please.


Contact Details:

Name: Ashley "Tycoon" Stephens


Version  1.0  Author  Transmission  Website   
Downloads  433  Size  1.35 MB  Created  2008-07-13 



#1 jlp47at 2008-07-13 09:47
Excellent Griffin Ash, this Griffin will be feared!
#2 dan1025 2008-07-13 10:49
Great model and textures, nice work :-)
#3 Chiletrek 2008-07-13 12:27

What can I say? a great model for one of my favourite Armada1-2 ships ever.

This one has an absolute 10/10 from me Rock
#4 Lord_Carnage 2009-05-13 07:07
Its cool but much toooo there a way to make the SOD smaller by ODF file ?

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