Xindi Sphere Weapon Xindi Sphere Weapon

(5 votes)
enigma123456789, 2006-05-16
This is the one that attack earth in enterprise episode 3x01 The Xindi, its as close as i could make it for now, i will update the weapon later i might have to make that a whole new weapon based on a beam, i had to use the cardassian missle to get the right effect for now. its very good and very powerful, had to slow production down for balance. enjoy! since this is a scaverger's ship feel free to modify as you like credit to activision and to all who made this game.
Well, it has all the effort of a neat little MOD, however does lack with the stock models and weapons texture. The idea however is well on it's way Wink - It's a shame you can't actually destory planets in Armada II, if you could, this would be a dime Tongue

To install:

Go to Program Files/Activision/Armada II:

Insert ALL flies in the right folder!

All TGAs into Textures/RGBs
All SOD into SOD file
All ODF into ODF/ships
Pictures into bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/Ship Images

Construction ship to build the new stations:
Insert this:
odf/stations/bbase:(should look something like this)

//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "XindiSphere"

Insert into Techtree

Tech 1:
// ***[ FEDEATION SHIPS ]************************
XindiSphere.odf 1 fyard2.odf // Xindi Sphere Weapon

Full Tech:

After the last ships;
XindiSphere.odf 0


b_XindiSphere gbXindiSphere 0 0 64 64

now goto:
# Federation wireframes


XindiSpherew1 fedwireframe01 0 96 48 48
XindiSpherew2 fedwireframe01 48 96 48 48
XindiSpherew3 fedwireframe01 96 96 48 48
XindiSpherew4 fedwireframe01 144 96 48 48
XindiSpherew5 fedwireframe01 192 96 48 48


- enigma123456789

Version    Author  enigma123456789  Website   
Downloads  519  Size  1.01 MB  Created  2006-05-16 



#1 Slider17 2006-05-16 17:56
Cool, glad to see some more Xindi stuff!!Rock
#2 vjeko1701 2008-05-16 11:19
Well it's ok. But I was wondering could someone make Xindi full race mod. If anyone decides to do so I think I could help. Keep up the nice workRock

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