Xindi Sphere Weapon
Quote:Well, it has all the effort of a neat little MOD, however does lack with the stock models and weapons texture. The idea however is well on it's way
This is the one that attack earth in enterprise episode 3x01 The Xindi, its as close as i could make it for now, i will update the weapon later i might have to make that a whole new weapon based on a beam, i had to use the cardassian missle to get the right effect for now. its very good and very powerful, had to slow production down for balance. enjoy! since this is a scaverger's ship feel free to modify as you like credit to activision and to all who made this game.

To install:
Go to Program Files/Activision/Armada II:
Insert ALL flies in the right folder!
All TGAs into Textures/RGBs
All SOD into SOD file
All ODF into ODF/ships
Pictures into bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/Ship Images
Construction ship to build the new stations:
Insert this:
odf/stations/bbase:(should look something like this)
//Construction Parameters
buildItem0 = "XindiSphere"
Insert into Techtree
Tech 1:
// ***[ FEDEATION SHIPS ]************************
XindiSphere.odf 1 fyard2.odf // Xindi Sphere Weapon
Full Tech:
After the last ships;
XindiSphere.odf 0
b_XindiSphere gbXindiSphere 0 0 64 64
now goto:
# Federation wireframes
XindiSpherew1 fedwireframe01 0 96 48 48
XindiSpherew2 fedwireframe01 48 96 48 48
XindiSpherew3 fedwireframe01 96 96 48 48
XindiSpherew4 fedwireframe01 144 96 48 48
XindiSpherew5 fedwireframe01 192 96 48 48
- enigma123456789
Version | Author | enigma123456789 | Website | ||
Downloads | 519 | Size | 1.01 MB | Created | 2006-05-16 |