Whale Probe Whale Probe

(4 votes)
Slider17, 2005-09-06

Well, by popular demand I present, the Star Trek IV Whale Probe! I’ve wanted to see this in the game for a while, but I didn’t think it would be that interesting. As it turns out, it’s pretty cool! And a thanks goes out to the people in the gaming forums for their encouragement and ideas.

Hello! Thanks for downloading the Whale Probe by Slider17.

Well, by popular demand I present, the Star Trek IV Whale Probe! I’ve wanted to see this in the game for a while, but I didn’t think it would be that interesting. As it turns out, it’s pretty cool! And a thanks goes out to the people in the gaming forums for their encouragement and ideas.

Has a Nebula Drive for quick relocation and 2 other weapons that fire at enemies continuously on red alert. One weapon used to disable shields, engines, and weapons, and then a large beam for planets (and ships).

This zip should include the following:
(copy these to ..odf/special_weapons)
(copy this to ..odf/ships)
(copy this to ..sod)
(copy this to ..Textures/RGB)
(copy this to ..sounds/effects)

That's it for the file list, but to complete the installation:

1. Open tech1.tt with notepad and add the following:
gwpstall.odf 0
gwpcall.odf 0
gwpneut.odf 0
gwpcheck.odf 0
gwpneb.odf 0

2. Then open gui_global.spr and add this under
# Special weapon buttons
b_gwpneb gbnebulaGeneration 0 0 64 64

and then...

# Ship Wireframes
humpbackw1 HBwire 0 0 128 128

Then you can add it as a starting unit, or put it in the map editor, etc...

For example, open rom.odf in the .../odf/other folder and add:
standardUnits5 = "humpback.odf" // Whale Probe

(Well it did come from the neutral zone! heh)

That's it! Enjoy!

If you want to contact me:


Star Trek material is a copyright/trademark of Paramount and/or parent corporations. This material was not intended for profit nor was any infringement of intellectual property intended. The author assumes no responsibility for the possession, use of, or effects from this material.

Version    Author  Slider17  Website   
Downloads  267  Size  559.71 KB  Created  2005-09-06 



#1 STGamerNew2002 2005-09-06 13:41
OK, I got to give this one a shot in my game. :-)
#2 Sonic14 2005-09-06 14:21
You did well making the probe. Gj :-)

#3 Slider17 2005-09-06 14:32
Cool, glad you like it! There's actually a typo -- the weapon disables sensors, not shields. Pimp
#4 Terradyhne 2005-09-07 00:04
you have many odf for weapons inthere so i think the weapons would be such as the Whaleprobe has in ST4 but the model itself has not an accurate texture

this ís good from the weapons as i see but the model could have been more accurate
#5 Slider17 2005-09-07 19:57
Hmm, like do you mean the hull? Yeah, I didn’t add a sun glint showing the reflection, nor do I have the proportions quite right, but if you or anyone else is interested in further development of this mod, email me. I’m always interested in such things, like with the Doomsday Machine Redux mod…

Anyway, everybody should open the wpcall.odf and change the line to read specialEnergyCost = 120

Trust me, it greatly improves functionality, now when the probe is low on energy, it will still cycle through all its weaponry. But you’ll still have to pause your attack for a moment to use the Nebula Drive! By the way, thanks for the idea Sonic14, I think that’s what give this mod a cool twist!
#6 Slider17 2005-09-21 21:28
Hi all! Well, just an update, I’m working with someone now about a 2.0 revision, so look for it soon! But I’m still open to feedback, ideas, etc, so keep it coming! Thanks!
#7 thor1963 2005-11-01 23:32
the whale probe is white looks like a cigarette in space how do u get the color corrected?
#8 Dawnofwar4 2005-11-20 06:21
lol it is less then 1 byte it says!

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