Whale Probe Whale Probe

(4 votes)
Slider17, 2005-10-12

This is version 2.0 of the Whale Probe from Star Trek IV, for Armada II. Personally I think it looks like a roll of grass, but each to his own. It now has a new model enabling it to have the rather cool feature of a retractable sensor... thing. If you liked the last version this is worth the download.

The Whale Probe 2.0 mod for Star Trek Armada 2, by Slider17.

Summary (2.0 Revision):
Hello! Thanks for checking out the... Whale Probe 2.0! ...or ‘Seeker’ as I've learned it’s called. This revision adds a new model that features a retractable sensor/brain! This idea was actually requested by Smit, thanks for the good idea Smit! He is also releasing a version of this mod that incorporates the storyline from the book by Margaret Wander Bonanno called ‘Probe’. Sounds cool, I’ll be checking it out. Well, this little mod sure has been a ride, thanks again to the community and their interest! Enjoy All!

Well, by popular demand I present, the Star Trek IV Whale Probe! I’ve wanted to see this in the game for a while, but I didn’t think it would be that interesting. As it turns out, it’s pretty cool! And a thanks goes out to the people in the gaming forums for their encouragement and ideas.

Features (2.0 Revision):
Now featuring sensor/brain retraction! (which means two sods, no animation, sorry) Also some minor changes to the texture and improved nebula drive pathing. I added the odf weapon modification I mentioned in the file comments from 1.0, and I added some damage emitters to the sods.

Has a Nebula Drive for quick relocation (thanks for the idea Sonic14) and 2 other weapons that fire at enemies continuously on red alert. One weapon used to disable sensors, engines, and weapons, and then a large beam for planets (and ships).

This zip should include the following:
(copy these to ..odf/special_weapons)
(copy these to ..odf/ships)
(copy these to ..sod)
(copy these to ..Textures/RGB)
(copy these to ..sounds/effects)

That's it for the file list, but to complete the installation:

1. Open tech1.tt with notepad and add the following:
gwpstall.odf 0
gwpcall.odf 0
gwpneut.odf 0
gwpcheck.odf 0
gwpneb.odf 0
gwpballA.odf 0
gwpballB.odf 0

2. Then open gui_global.spr and add this under
# Special weapon buttons
b_gwpneb gbnebulaGeneration 0 0 64 64
b_gwpballA gbaccelcannon00 0 0 64 64
b_gwpballB gbremod00 0 0 64 64

and then...

# Ship Wireframes
humpbackAw1 HBwireA 0 0 128 128
humpbackBw1 HBwireB 0 0 128 128

Then you can add it as a starting unit, or put it in the map editor, etc...

For example, open rom.odf in the .../odf/other folder and add:
standardUnits5 = "humpbackA.odf" // Whale Probe

(Well it did come from the neutral zone! heh)

That's it! Now find them whales!

If you want to contact me:


Legal Disclaimer:
Star Trek material is a copyright/trademark of Paramount and/or parent corporations. This material was not intended for profit nor was any infringement of intellectual property intended. The author assumes no responsibility for the possession of, use of, or effects from this material. Nor do I mind redistribution of this file in its original form.

Version  2.0  Author  Slider17  Website   
Downloads  854  Size  633.06 KB  Created  2005-10-12 



#1 SMID 2005-10-13 17:56
Dude, it's "SMID", not "Smit".

And I'm not making anything with any storyline in it.

I'm just modding this so it's canon. As in, the way it was in the film and book.
#2 Slider17 2005-10-13 19:46
Sorry about that SMID, honest mistake. Hope the mod works out.
#3 Temporal 2005-10-18 07:23
I know whales are big, but you'd never be able to probe a whale with that!
#4 BMAN100 2005-10-19 07:30
YOU FILTHY SWINE! jk funny joke though. even if it is abit corny
#5 Slider17 2006-02-01 21:19
Author's note: I have looked at this mod on about a half-dozen different monitors, (flat and crt) and on mine, I see it as brown. Actually it’s very dark, almost black in fact. But on some monitors it looks brown, or brown with moss on it, and on others, it’s like totally green; it’s just like a roll of sod grass like he says. I have absolutely no idea why this is.

So... 8)

If you do not see this as brown, simply open the humpback.tga file in an alpha channel capable program, like Paint Shop Pro or Photo Shop, and then select the appropriate region. Next, simply adjust the hue of the image to the desired color. Specific instructions of course vary depending on the program and version used. And sorry about that folks...

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