Thiolian Heaven Class Vessel Thiolian Heaven Class Vessel

(3 votes)
Dragon Master, 2005-01-15

This is a Thiolian Heaven Class Vessel by Dragon Master, its got a nice design and i like the work with the textures.

Thiolian Heaven Class Vessel

-A pre-released ship that will be in the Temporal Incursion Mod Pack (see other txt doc for more info)

Author: Dragon Master
Build Time: 10 hours, mostly due to Tga probs
Poly Count: 3000+
Amount of Frappacanio's consumed while in creation of model: 3

Wireframe: Sorry, but no
Build Button: Nope
Screenshot: Yes, in Bitmaps\Admiral's Log\Ship Images
Tested in game: Yes, of course!

To install, place all coresponding files into their folders.

--For those of you that do not wish to replace your file, go to the bottom
of your tech1 file and add:

Theaven.odf 0 //Heaven Class

--Then go to any Race's shipyard and add:

buildItemX = "Theaven"

X standing for # in build List


Now you're ready to play! Have fun with this ship, as the Temporal Incursion might take a while..

---Legal and Contact Info

This model was created using many different model parts that came from models from Battleclinc and Outlance
shipyards. I am not responsible for any damage this may due to your computer.

This mod is not supported by Activision. Star Trek, its parent, its affilates, and subsideraries are owned by Paramount Pictures

--I can be contacted at


--right under this mod in the chat thingy


--At the Modding and Editting Forum at Gaming Forums


End Readme

--Dragon Master

Version    Author  Dragon Master  Website   
Downloads  496  Size  2.04 MB  Created  2005-01-15 



#1 Joelteon7 2005-01-15 04:51
Looks nice, and the design is particular with Tholian ships...however, I believe there are too many colours for a tholian ship (2-3 tops). But, nonethelss it's recommendable of a d/l!
#2 Ultimate_Dragon 2005-01-15 07:16
whats wrong with too many colors? i thought for sure that if anything the ship was too bland. Does anyone feel its too big?
#3 _Black_Death_ 2005-01-15 11:29
A good ship. Pitty there isn't a Tholian Race mod out there. But I shall make do
#4 _Black_Death_ 2005-01-15 11:35
Dragon Master, the ship ODF is missing in your .rar file.
#5 Ultimate_Dragon 2005-01-16 05:09
how could it be? i made sure it was. and obviously if everyone else can use it, how come ur missing it?
#6 Porty 2005-01-16 23:22
Well. maybe they downloaded a different file??

or .... created their own odf??

Regardless, there is no odf in this file, so maybe you DIDN"T make sure!!! ;-)
#7 Ultimate_Dragon 2005-01-17 06:49
maybe they uploaded the wrong one, i did 3 versions. Is this version 1? if so, filetrekker needs to upload the fix. if its 3, no idea y.
#8 jetnova16 2009-07-01 23:15
I need an ODF file for this ship, someone please help.

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