SFC2 Ship Pack
These are straight conversions from SFC2 that CanadianBorg put together. There's nothing new about the models-- no alpha channels or lightmaps beyond what's already there. There are two Klingon battleships, one Romulan battleship, a replacement for the stock Ferengi trading ship (not the Marauder), and a replacement for the Romulan trading ship. It comes with build buttons, Admiral's Log pictures and Borg textures.
So if you remember 'em well enough, and can't convert them yourself, then this is the pack for you. Worth a look.
SFC2 Ship Pack by CanadianBorg
Any pointers or advice would be appreciated.
This is a set of converted SFC2 ships for A2. It features two new battleships for the Klingons, one new battleship for the Romulans, a replacement for the stock Romulan
trading ship, and a replacement for the stock Ferengi trading ship (you know, the one that visits your trading station during the single player campaigns).
Open the archive file and extract the folder "SFC Conversion Pack" somewhere outside your A2 directory.
Copy all the folders inside to your root A2 directory. If it asks to overwrite, say yes.
Now, open gui_global.spr in the "sprites" folder in your A2 main directory with Notepad, and scroll down to the Klingon build buttons. Now enter:
b_khorch gbkhorch 0 0 64 64
b_kprang gbkprang 0 0 64 64
below the last item.
Now go down to Romulan build buttons and enter the following:
b_rtnarax gbrtnarax 0 0 64 64
Now find and delete the following entries:
rcargow1 romwireframe03 0 48 48 48
rcargow2 romwireframe03 48 48 48 48
rcargow3 romwireframe03 96 48 48 48
rcargow4 romwireframe03 144 48 48 48
rcargow5 romwireframe03 192 48 48 48
zfercargw1 ferwireframe 0 0 48 48
zfercargw2 ferwireframe 0 0 48 48
zfercargw3 ferwireframe 0 0 48 48
zfercargw4 ferwireframe 0 0 48 48
zfercargw5 ferwireframe 0 0 48 48
Now save and close gui_global.spr and go to the techtree folder within the A2 directory with Notepad. Now open tech1.tt. Scroll down to the Klingon ships and add:
khorch.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf
kprang.odf 2 kyard2.odf kresear2.odf
Now scroll down to the Romulan ships and enter the following:
rtnarax.odf 2 ryard2.odf rresear2.odf
Now save and close tech1.tt. Open fulltech.tt with Notepad and enter the following anywhere in the list:
khorch.odf 0
kprang.odf 0
rtnarax.odf 0
Now save and close the file.
Now Go to the odf folder, and go to "stations". Open ryard2.odf with Notepad, and enter the following:
buildItemxx = "rtnarax"
Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number).
Save and close ryard2.odf and open kyard2.odf with Notepad. Now enter the following:
buildItemxx = "kprang"
buildItemxx+1 = "khorch"
Where "xx" is the next number in the list (replace it with this number). If there is a +1 that means "xx" plus one.
That's it! You're ready to use the SFC ships in your game! I might be coming out with more converted ships by the way, so stay tuned!
This mod is not made or supported by Activision or Paramount.
CanadianBorg Industries cannot be held responsible for any damage to your computer or your game by this mod.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, you can e-mail me at sebastian.renmar@rogers.com
If you wish to use these ships in any of your mods, please ask me first. Thank you.
Version | Author | CanadianBorg | Website | ||
Downloads | 270 | Size | 3.07 MB | Created | 2008-07-28 |
And yes porting between games without permission is illegal. People do it anyway, but it does violate the End User Agreement.
And like I said @ StarfleetKid, this was mainly because I remembered an old debate at effiles where someone was considering porting models between EF1 and 2 (different games & developers) and people immediatly jumped at him saying it was illegal. If that's not the case here and you accept it this way I certainly have no intention of breaking CanadianBorg's modding efforts, so far I liked all the mods he released.
So @ CanadianBorg, just ignore me and mod ahead, it's great to see how quick you're making progress here.
(I'm a SFC - SFC II - SFC III freak as well