SFB Hydran Grenadier early cruiser SFB Hydran Grenadier early cruiser

(3 votes)
Terradyhne, 2009-08-27

This is my interpretation of Star Fleet Battles early years Hydran Grenadier class cruiser.
Some have been build for the Royal Hydran Navy before the Hydran Kingdom was conquered
by Klingon and Lyran combined forces, most where build in the so called "Lost Colonies" and where the backbone of the early years Lost Colonies fleet.

this release has new weapons and sounds, it comes with buildbuttons in 64x64; 128x128; 256x256 and admirals picture.

Title :SFB Hydran Grenadier early cruiser
Filename :HGRNECA-Terradyhne.zip
Date :27/08/2009
Author´ :Terradyhne
Email :Terradyhne@gmx.de
Homepages :http://www.terradyhne-yards.de
Credits :Design:ADB the designers of SFB
Concept: Terradyhne
Textures: Terradyhne

Description of the Modification:
the Hydran Grenadier cruiser was the backbone of the early Hydran Lost Colonies fleet.

Installation and use:
HGRNECA.odf into odfships folder

hcphas.odf, hcphaso.odf, HNovac.odf, HNovaco.odf into odfweaponsPhasers folder

HGRNECA.SOD into Sod folder

HGRNECA.bmp into bitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages folder

HERCA1.tga, HERCA2.tga, gbHGRNECA-64.tga, gbHGRNECA-128.tga, gbHGRNECA-256.tga,
WHydphaser.tga, WHydphaser_2.tga, WhydNovac.tga, WhydNovacOL.tga into TexturesRGB folder

Novacsdisc.wav, HPHaDisc.wav into soundseffects folder

Sprite entries:

write into weapon.spr (you find it in sprites folder) under this line:
# General phaser
phaser Wphaser 0 0 128 21

the following:
# Hydran Nova cannon
HNovacan WhydNovac 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

# Hydran phaser
hphaser WHydphaser 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

write into gui_global.spr (you find it in sprites folder) under any races build buttons one of these lines for which size you want:
b_HGRNECA gbHGRNECA-64 0 0 64 64

b_HGRNECA gbHGRNECA-128 0 0 128 128

b_HGRNECA gbHGRNECA-256 0 0 256 256

tech1.tt entries:

write the following into the tech1.tt (you find it in techtree folder) under any races Ships part:

odf entries:

write the following into a race's shipyard.odf (you find it in odfstations folder) under Construction Parameters:
buildItemXX = "HGRNECA" (XX stands for cunstruction item number and can be 0 to 12)


email me at Terradyhne@gmx.de if you have any questions.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions:


Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager
and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures
registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures.
No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended.
Star Fleet Battles (SFB) and related properties are Registered Trademarks of (ADB) Amarillo Design Bureau, INC.
No infringement of ADB's copyrights is intended.

You may not sell user-created missionsand models commercially.
You should respect the rights of the property owners.
You have to ask for permission if you want to use one of this in any mod.

you have to ask me for permission to convert my models to any other games.

Version  1.0  Author  Terradyhne  Website   
Downloads  248  Size  1.02 MB  Created  2009-08-27 



#1 Omega_Mod_God 2009-08-27 13:53
Nice.... I might be able to redo those symbols there to make it more tholian (I actually have the Tholian font face!) ;-)
#2 phasertech 2009-08-27 14:06
from what i know of SFB, this seems a little fat... idk i don't remember the grenadier class quite as well as some of the other hydran ships... nice work, though, definitely has a hydran feel. go stumpys!
#3 Tain_Enabran 2009-08-31 14:16
Very well done stuff, Terradyhne! It's a pity there is few Hydran ships. More Hydrans! More Hydrans! More Hydrans!...assimilate them! :borg:

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