This version of the scimitar is complete with sod, odf's, texture, wireframe and buttons.
Scimitar Class for ST: Armada II by ClaesStefan
My email is "" if you want to contact me.
Sods: Bryan
Textures: Bryan
Ship Odf: Iggy
Weapon odfs: ClaesStefan
Buttons: Iggy
Wireframe: ClaesStefan
Ship Type: Reman/Romulan Warbird
Weapons: 12 phasers, 4 disruptors, 2 photon torpedo launchers, theleron beam, theleron cloak
Seen In: Star Trek: Nemesis
Cannon: somewhat
Builds From: You may chose this but I recommend from the Romulan Advanced Shipyard
Install Instructions for modded and unmodded games:
Copy "rscimitar.sod" in the sod directory.
Copy "rscimitar.odf" in the odf / ships directory.
Copy "grscimcloaken.odf" in the odf / special_weapons directory.
Copy "gthebm.odf" in the odf / special_weapons directory.
Copy "gtheleronbeam.odf" in the odf / special_weapons directory.
Copy "tb.odf" in the odf / special_weapons directory.
Copy "thebm.odf" in the odf / special_weapons directory.
Copy "theleronbeam.odf" in the odf / special_weapons directory.
Copy "rspulse.odf" in the odf / weapons / pulse directory.
Copy "rspulseo.odf" in the odf / weapons / pulse directory.
Copy "gbrscen.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "gbrscimitar.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "gbrtheleron.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "romwireframe10.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "scimitar.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "wuitritium.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "wuitriyium_1.tga" in the textures / rgb directory.
Copy "rscimitar.bmp" in the bitmaps / shipimages directory.
Open gui_global.spr in the sprites directory:
Search for romulan build buttons and under @reference=64 add the following line:
b_rscimitar gbrscimitar 0 0 64 64
Now search for special weapon buttons, @reference=64 and under @tmaterial=interface add the following lines:
b_gtheleronbeam gbrtheleron 0 0 64 64
b_gscimup gbrscimw 0 0 64 64
b_gscim gbrscimb 0 0 64 64
b_grscimcloaken gbrscen 0 0 64 64
Now search for romulan wireframes and under @reference=256 add the following lines:
rscimitarw1 romwireframe10 0 0 48 48
rscimitarw2 romwireframe10 48 0 48 48
rscimitarw3 romwireframe10 96 0 48 48
rscimitarw4 romwireframe10 144 0 48 48
rscimitarw5 romwireframe10 192 0 48 48
Now close the gui_global.spr and save all changes.
open in the techtree directory, underneath rupgrade.odf 0 add the following lines:
rscimitar.odf 0
rscimitarup.odf 0
gtheleronbeam.odf 0
gscim.odf 0
gscimup.odf 0
grscimcloaken.odf 0
Now close the and save all changes.
Open in the techtree directory and place the following lines in the romulan ships section:
rscimitar.odf 0
rscimitarup.odf 0
In the romulan special weapons section place the following lines:
gtheleronbeam.odf 0
gscim.odf 0
gscimup.odf 0
grscimcloaken.odf 0
Now close and save all changes.
Open ryard2.odf in the odf / stations directory and scroll down untill you see lines like buildItem0 = "******"
Now type underneath the last buildItem this line:
buildItem# = rscimitar"
Where you replace the # with the next number in line
That's it. You've succesfully installed the Scimitar into your game. If for any reason you don't like it, uninstall it following the steps above again but remove the files and the entrys now.
Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Copyright notices:
Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.
Version | Author | ClaesStefan | Website | ||
Downloads | 4,057 | Size | 249.75 KB | Created | 2003-01-19 |
I'm working on this baby for an auto install procedure.
Expect this within 1 or 2 day's.
Here to help.
Search for Scimitar Class 1.1
Why not say:
ODFs by stefan : Requires Bryan's Scimitar!
There are only 2 Scimtar files on the net, Bryans and Phantoms which are cool all these files are stupid AFC has about 6 of them, all using the same files!
This is but another pointless download
Thx for the comment however i released this version of the ship due to the missing / incorrect wireframe that came with it.
scimw button
scimb button
I've deleted those entries and still my game crashes. Were those files suppose to be added and werent? Whats going on? Maybe a revised readme file would help?
I tried your E-mail address but, I have heard nothing...could you please E-mail me at my E-mail address so I could ask you some questions about your Scimitar model? (jtbeckman
I am also looking for pictures of the Scimitar, too!
In His Service,