Ragnarok from FF8 Ragnarok from FF8

(3 votes)
PROGArrO, 2008-03-15

This is the Ragnarok airship from Final Fantasy VIII; it's my first model and still needs some workout. Low-res Handmade textures are provided.

I hope FF players will enjoy a ride on Laguna's spaceship!

"Originally buildt by the Esthar Space Agency as a shuttle to Lunaside starbase, three of them were used to launch in orbit Adele's Junction Prison. After being attacked by Propagators, the original ship was abandoned. Will be later found by the SeeD Squall Leonhart and used against Lunatic Pandora's final attack"




This is the model with hand-made textures of the FFVIII airship.


- Add ragnarok .odf to /odf/ships
- Add minigun.odf and miniguno.odf to odf/ weapons/Pulse
- Add ragnarokplasmac.odf to odf/ special_weapons
- Add ragnarok.sod to the /sod folder
- Add Ragnarok_main.tga, Ragnarok_engines.tga, Ragnarok_wing.tga to /textures/rgb
- Add ragnarok.bmp to /bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages

- Add the following lines to sprites/gui_global.spr
b_ragnarok gbragnarok 0 0 64 64
b_ragnarokplasmac gbplasmac00 0 0 64 64

There isn't a real wireframe... I use the button

ragnarokw1 gbragnarok 0 0 128 128

- Add the following lines to techtree/tech1.tt and fulltech

ragnarok.odf 0
ragnarokplasmac.odf 0

- Add the following line to the station that you wish the Ragnarok to be build from

buildItemX = "ragnarok"

remember to replace X with the next number in the sequence.

Mod Usage:

This model may be used in other projects, providing that I am contacted and asked before hand, and that all the proper credit is given upon re-release.

Don't assume that you can use these models for individual releases, or include them in additional projects without authorisation.

for any info:



Version  1.0  Author  PROGArrO  Website   
Downloads  501  Size  3.37 MB  Created  2008-03-15 



#1 Joelteon7 2008-03-16 03:44
Granted the textures need work, but the model is all there. Good job on getting the design.
#2 ragnar603 2008-03-16 17:02
Wow, I've waited for this ship to come out. It is a beautiful ship, in fact it's my favourite out of all the airships in FF

Great game :D
#3 Adam_Atlantian 2008-03-16 19:43
I agree with Joel, excellent design. The textures do indeed need work, but they're not bad either. Great job.
#4 avatar260 2008-03-16 19:50
thank you for making this my sister loves that ship and she will go nuts once i tell her about it
#5 PROGArrO 2008-03-23 18:51

My problem was not to create a huge texture file, but I'll figure out something... actually the model is pretty big, as you all can see from the scaleSOD line!

I'll try to do some pencil&scanner work!

I really wonder how some of you can create such wonderful textures...
#6 PROGArrO 2008-03-23 18:54
By the way... where can I find a phaser special weapon? Something like The Death Ray...
#7 ragnar603 2008-03-30 16:36
You can make a decent phaser effect by using Photoshop and different effects, or ask someone else for theirs :-)

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