Pangalactic Federation Battleship Pangalactic Federation Battleship

(7 votes)
Adam_Atlantian, 2007-07-23

Today we got a very unique ship (it is so at least for Armada 2 players) from Adam_Atlantian.

This is a much improved version of the Pangalactic Federation Battleship included in the 'Star Ocean: Till the End of Time' mod for Armada 1. Ye, maybe it's just me but i must say that this blue baby just looks damn cool Cool and it will definitely catch your eye on the battlefield.

It does a nice job in skirmish and seems well balanced for its high costs and build time. Armed with some strong dual pulse weapons & torpedos at the front it can take out most stock ships in a few seconds. Additionally it got some kind of 'uber phaser', the Creation Canon which does a lot of damage to a single ship or station; the ships itself can take a whole bunch of it Pimp .
New weapon textures, wireframe and build button are included and be sure to check the readme for some interesting background information.

Worth downloading! Rock

- TParis

---Pangalactic Federation Battleship---

The Backbone of the Pangalacitc Federation. There were thousands of them distributed around the Galaxy before the Executioner onslaught. Now only a few remain. The most notable of which is the Aquaelie. The ship is powerful, but even the mighty fall. It can release powerful vollies of pulse fire and dual torpedoes. Its mostnotable wepon is of course the Creation Cannon. It fires a high yield beam of Creation energy which can nearly rip the shields of a cruiser to shreds.

Note: This ship is for Armada 2 only.

All models and textures by Me(Adam_Atlantian)


The following files are included in this pack:

pfbattle.sod (Ship SOD)

battleshiptexture.tga (Ship texture)
bswf.tga (Wireframe)
bsbba2.tga (Build Button)
crecanb.tga (Special Weapon Button)
creationcan.tga (Special Weapon Texture)
pfphoton1.tga (New Torpedo Texture)
pfpulse1.tga (New Pulse Texture)

pfbattle.bmp (Admirals Log Pic)

pfbattle.odf (Ship ODF file)
pfbpulse.odf (Pulse ODF File)
pfbpulseo.odf (Pule Ordinance File)
pfbphot.odf (Torpedo ODf File)
pfbphotono.odf (Torpedo Ordinance File)
crecans.odf (Special Weapon ODF File)
crecanso.odf (Special Weapon Ordinance File)


Step 1 (SOD Placement)


pfbattle.sod (Ship SOD)

and paste into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\SOD

Step 2(Texture And Admiral Log Placement)


battleshiptexture.tga (Ship texture)
bswf.tga (Wireframe)
bsbba2.tga (Build Button)
crecanb.tga (Special Weapon Button)
creationcan.tga (Special Weapon Texture)
pfphoton1.tga (New Torpedo Texture)
pfpulse1.tga (New Pulse Texture)

And paste into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\Textures\RBG


pfbattle.bmp (Admiral Log Pic)

and past into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages

Step 3 (ODF Placement)


pfbattle.odf (Ship ODF file)

and paste into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\ships


pfbpulse.odf (Pulse ODF File)
pfbpulseo.odf (Pule Ordinance File)

and paste into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\pulse


pfbphot.odf (Torpedo ODf File)
pfbphotono.odf (Torpedo Ordinance File)

and paste into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\weapons\photons


crecans.odf (Special Weapon ODF File)
crecanso.odf (Special Weapon Ordinance File)

and paste into C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\odf\special_weapons

Step 4 (gui_global.spr File Editing)

Open the sprites folder in your Armada 2 directory and locate the gui_global.spr file and open it. Scroll down to the following lines:

# Federation build buttons

And add the following after them:

b_pfbattle bsbba2 0 0 128 128

Now, Scroll down to the following lines:

# Special weapon buttons


and add the following lines after them:

b_crecans crecanb 0 0 64 64

Now, scroll down to the following lines:

# Ship Wireframes

and add the following after them:

pfbattlew1 bswf 0 0 48 48

Finally, Save the gui_global.spr file and close it.

Step 5 (lights.spr File Editing)

Locate the lights.spr file in the sprites folder of your Armada II directory. Open it and scroll down to the following lines:

@sprite_node yellowstrobe2 SmallStar strobe (2,2) (1,1,0) billboard
@sprite_node whitestrobe3 Ballflare strobe (2,2) (1,1,1) //billboard
@sprite_node redstrobe2 RedMulti strobe (2,2) (1,.8,0) billboard
@sprite_node greenstrobe2 AmberMulti strobe (2,2) (0,1,0) billboard

and add the following lines after them:

@sprite_node gcglow softglow const (2,2) (0,0.2,0.8) billboard

Now, Save and close the lights.spr file.

Step 6 (weapon.spr File Editing)

Locate and open the weapon.spr file in the sprites folder of your Armada 2 directory. Scroll down to the following lines: (Note: It is not very far)


and add the following lines after them:

crecan creationcan 0 0 256 128

Now, scroll down to th following lines:

# End new weapons


and add the following after them:

pfphoton pfphoton1 0 0 32 32

pfpphaser pfpulse1 0 0 128 32

Save and close the weapon.spr file.

Step 7 (Tech Tree editing)

Find and open the file in the techtree folder of your Armada 2 directory. Now, add the following lines:

pfbattle.odf 0
crecans.odf 0

Save and close the file.

This completes the installation of the Pangalactic Federation's Battleship. Have fun and go blow something up :)


Star Ocean and all related materials are owned by Square-Enix (the best RPG making video game companies ever!)

I dont own Star Trek or any of that stuff either.


For questions, comments, or suggestions contact me at:

Version    Author  Adam_Atlantian  Website   
Downloads  719  Size  1.86 MB  Created  2007-07-23 



#11 UltimaRadiant 2009-05-24 14:05
Hi, I am having a bit of an issue with the PanGalactic Fed ship on the Armada 2 game. It seems to have a white blob in its center. I was wondering if you know why that might be ? Also I was wondering if you had any other ships besides the Vendeeni and the Pan Galactic Federations ship and any stations for Armada 2. I am playing Star Ocean Till the End of Time for the first time on PS2 great game. I have been into the Armada 2 mods for awhile longer so I was excited to see that there were Star Ocean creations for it. I tried sending you an e-mail but your address came up invalid. Just thought you should know.

Thanks, Xander.
#12 RikerCZ 2010-06-26 11:17
Looks like it comes from Tron universe :-)

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