Nexum Class (Nebula Constructor) Nexum Class (Nebula Constructor)

(10 votes)
ArcherScott, 2006-02-07

Well All, though basic, and could do with some additional (updated) models and textures, this file is very unique and a nice addition to the collection that we already have. In basis, it is a Federation Construction Vessel that can build all the stock Nebula's. Pretty Neat Wink


In a bid to keep Starfleet from falling into enemy hands, Federation HQ allowed a new class of vessel to be constructed.

Nexum Class represents the latest development breakthroughs taking place. Not only can the vessel build dilithium and latinum
but also sensor arrays and turrets to aid outposts.

Each nebula constructed is full of goodies ready to be harvested and added to the resource account. A new dilithium matrix
to boost intake. Made from project Genesis the matrix fired from the worker bees forms a nebula like wormhole.
It is filled with 50,000 units.

The Latinum Nebula is bigger and has more to mine than standard latinum nebuale.

To defeat enemy colonies the ship conatins a special weapon to achieve that goal. Atomizer weapon fires a phaser that wipes
all life from whatever planet is targetted. At present Starfleet have allowed this weapon only in times of war and when enemy
forces threaten the Federation.

Section 31 are repsonsible for the ideas using their nebula and planet building techniques. However they lost the vote to arm
Nexum Class vessels with anything other than the special weapon. Also in a bid to stop Section 31 having too much influence
they are only mentioned injunction with the latinum nebula.

This could mean trouble for the future but for now resentment festers.

To add:


1) Nexum Class Vessel:

add all ODFs - odf/ships
SOD - SOD folder
Textures - Textures/RGB
bitmap - bitmap/AdmiralLog/ShipImages

Decide which yard/station will build it and add:

buildItemXX = "fnex"
(XX + next number in sequence)

Save and close, then access the Sprite folder, find gui_global and add under last Fed vessel:

b_fnex gbfnex 0 0 64 64 (align as needed)

Under the last Fed wireframe:

fnexw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
fnexw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
fnexw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
fnexw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
fnexw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

Save and close then locate the techtree folder, find and add under last Fed ship

fnex.odf 2 fresear2.odf ftrading.odf // nexum class

Save and close, now go to full tech and add under last Fed ship:

fnex.odf 0


2) The Nebulae

Now to add the Nebula files (DO the same for both Dilithium and S31 Latinum Nebula) If you have the Dilithium Nebula already
just copy and paste the files to overwrite existing files.

All ODFs - odf/ships
SOD - SOD folder
Textures - Textures/RGB
bitmap - bitmap/AdmiralLog/ShipImages

Save and close, then access the Sprite folder, find gui_global and add under last Fed vessel:

b_fdith gbfdith 0 0 64 64
b_fingot gbfingot 0 0 64 64

Under the last Fed wireframe;

fdithw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
fdithw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
fdithw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
fdithw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
fdithw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

fingotw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
fingotw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
fingotw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
fingotw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
fingotw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

Save and close then locate the techtree folder, find and add under last Fed station:

fdith.odf 1 fnexum.odf // dilithium matrix
fingot.odf 1 fnexum.odf // s31 latinum nebula

Save and close, now go to full tech and add under last Fed ship:

fdith.odf 0
fingot.odf 0

3) Atomizer Special Weapon.

To use the special weapon do the following;

Add ODF - ODF/special weapons

Find gui_global again and under last Special Weapon line add:

b_gaccelcannon2 gbpblast00 0 0 64 64

Open techtree folder and under last Fed Special Weapon add:

gaccelcannnon2.odf 0 // atomizer

Save and close, now open full tech and under last Fed Special Weapon add:

gaccelcannon2.odf 0


Now you are ready to go. I have revised the Dilithium Nebula I made. It will look like a wormhole but you can't use it to
travel (but neither can your opponent!)

Full credits to Activision, I have simply tweaked what was included in the game to make buidable resources and a new
special weapon!


Any probs e-mail me @

Version    Author  ArcherScott  Website   
Downloads  471  Size  976.83 KB  Created  2006-02-07 



#1 Ramrod_the_Destroyer 2006-09-26 16:27
The Nexum is a very useful addition in my fleet, especially on the single player missions. I also added the Section 31 Build-n-Mine, to this ship. The vessel is good overall.

9.5/10, very good. :-)
#2 archerscott 2007-06-11 16:29
A good plan. Glad you like it!! :-)

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