Gorn Destroyer Gorn Destroyer

(15 votes)
BOLOXXXIV, 2002-11-25

A nice Gorn ship based on ye olde Star Fleet Battles game.

This is the first Gorn vessel I'm currently releasing. I plan to hopefully release a full race of Gorn vessels later.

I got the design from the old Star Fleet Battles game.


Version: 1.0
Build Time: ~5-6 Hours

Installation Instructions:

Put gdestroy1.odf >>> ODF/Ships folder
Put gdestroy1.sod >>> SOD folder
Put gorn.tga, gorn2.tga, gbdestroy1.tga, and gornsauc.tga >>> Textures/RGB folder

(We're gracing the Klingons with this ship's presence for the time being)

Open Tech1.tt and Fulltech.tt add the following lines under the other Klingon ships:

gdestroy1.odf 0

Open Gui_Global.spr and add the following lines under
# Klingon build buttons @reference=64:

b_gdestroy1 gbgdestroy1 0 0 64 64

Sorry no wireframe :( The wireframes will be available when I put together the Gorn race mod.

Open Kyard.odf and add the following lines:

buildItemX = "gdestroy1" >>> Where "X" is the next sequential number in the list.

The ODF provided is a mostly generic ODF, the hardpoints however are obviously custom so if change/make a new ODF be sure to not forget them ;)

I've included a HP map too.

No wireframe



You know the drill by now... don't steal others work and don't defraud anyone/thing. Modeling isn't easy otherwise there would be millions of new ships on the web. I respect the work of others and expect you, yes you, to do the same.

Version    Author  BOLOXXXIV  Website   
Downloads  507  Size  698.43 KB  Created  2002-11-25 



#1 Iron_Fist 2002-11-26 10:36
Wow - a lovely recreation - u wouldn't mind helping me make some sods for the slightly newer sfc2 - i need the ships
#2 Guest 2002-11-26 18:56
I could export the ships I'm making into the SFC2 mod format... that's not any trouble. I plan to make an entire fleet of Gorn ships and whatever else catches my fancy.

BTW: Any suggestions of how to make 'em better?
#3 Guest 2003-03-09 00:57
CRAP! i pressed my wheel mouse when i was voting and it changed from 10 to 1! CRAAAAAAP
#4 AdmiralQ 2003-03-19 07:44
THAT IS NOT A GORN SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
#5 Terradyhne 2003-05-04 06:31
abh some guys have no taste but i like this

it looks cool and it is definetly a SFB TOS Gorn
#6 SHERMAN2 2004-10-23 05:10
Q'S RIGHT!!! :mad: :o

thats not Gorn and I have SFC, SFC2, SFC OP, and SFC3 and the manual for SFB I've seen nothing like that!

It would make Borg Run and Hide!!!!!!!!!

Quate*Its not worthy of assimilation! :borg:
#7 SHERMAN2 2004-10-23 05:14
*Un Qoate :borg: :borg: :borg: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#8 Quarren_X 2011-07-26 21:47
I do not like that wither when I see a good mod an acidently rate the mod or pic lower than I intended, you feel a bit upset, ^^ I can understand haha.

However the race and the mod sounds like god ideas to me! :-)

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