Daleks for Armada II Daleks for Armada II

(5 votes)
Cylon54, 2005-08-01

This is a Dalek and mothership from doctor who for Star Trek: Armada II. The mothership can also build new Daleks!

This is a dalek and mothership of doctor who. The mothership can build daleks

install instructions
move the folders into your Armada II folder and let them overwrite any files.

note: if you have other ships installed you will have to edit the tech tree yourself


buildItemXX = "DalekMS2"
to a construction yard (where XX is the next number in line from the previous one e.g/ buildItem1

Thanks to paulhanselluk for making the odf files work and remember to check out his project 2280 mod at http://www.freewebs.com/paulhanselluk/index.htm

activision, it's affiliates, sub-divisions or any other part of the company did not make this mod.

all startrek related items are copyrighted paramount

anyone can use this but please give me credit


Version    Author  Cylon54  Website   
Downloads  592  Size  1.28 MB  Created  2005-08-01 



#1 AdmarilRyan 2005-08-02 01:08
someone made it! I wonder want 20 thousand darliks can do to a borg cube?
#2 Temporal 2005-08-02 01:31
I'm glad someone made these but the models and textures look like they could use some work. Stil pretty accurate to the darlecs from the new series. 7/10
#3 RIS_Romulan_Glory 2005-08-02 03:20
At last, the Daleks! Well done with this, and I'm glad their name has been spelled correctly this most add an "r" and have a "c" in the name.

jolan true :D
#4 Omegaslave1 2007-03-12 09:13
Hey, great mod, but can somone make a time war (doctor who) mod for armada ONE? I want the borg to assimulate the time lords... VERY differnt doctor who! :borg:

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