Bryan's Scimitar 3.0
This file is a version of Bryans scimitar that is comaptible with BI2. The auther changed it so that it is now built from the Tal Shiar Shipyard
Bryan's Scimitar 3.0
This is a special version of Bryans scimitar that is comaptible with BI2!!
I have edited it so that it is now built from the Tal Shiar Shipyard (because it seemed apprapriate).
To install just put all files in their corresponding folders
A few more notes:
This will not have that small picture (forgot what its called) and no therleron beam button, but it will still be avalible.
Why I did this:
Because i heard that some people wanted this in BI2 so with some expiriments and work, i did it!
Bryan: For the Scimitar (of course)
Me: For making this compatible with BI2
Version | Author | Unknown / Anonymous | Website | ||
Downloads | 3,769 | Size | 1.10 MB | Created | 2003-09-04 |
1) In future inform me first BEFORE you make changes to MY project, so that I know about them in advance.
2) Due to the fact that I had no hand in the creation of the "addon", I will ignore any and all problems which arise from its usage.
On a more personal note, other people may not mind this being done, but I do. It doesn't take anyone with half a brain to just let someone know when things are being added to their work and released. Oh and while were on the subject, why BI2?? The mods pretty much defunct and has been since its release because of the species 8472 error which effects, not only single player, but mutiplayer and Instant Action.
(appologies if anyone considers my remarks to be out of character but this is just a little to much, especially on a project of mine which shouldn't really be played due to the remaining error which plagues the mod.)
I was wondering if you can make the Scimitar in attack mode??, it'd be cool to see that ship in-game with a transformation of Iggy's weapon that I made (I ask Iggy first and he is agree to the weapon).
Can you make the ship in attack mode???????
If someone were to take one set of pictures and change the color scheme from black to Romulan green then, I would have two different sets of pictures of the Reman Scimitar Battleship. If that same set of pictures would have a different color scheme of say, brown or purple, then I would end up with my three different sets of pictures. Can you possibly help me out, Bryan? My E-maill address is: jtbeckman
Please advise me and thank you for taking the time to read my requests!! Do you know of anyone that could get me more pictures of the Reman Scimitar Battleship? Do you have their E-mail address?
In His Service,