Blue Hope Blue Hope

(3 votes)
Merough and FahreS, 2008-07-03
Ever heard of the game "Blue Wish Resurrection Plus"? Not long ago me neither! I was pointed to it by a video on youtube and learmed it's a 2-D computer game giving you the control about a little blue fighter called "Blue Hope" with apparently enormous fire power! FahreS has recreated this vessel to fit into Armada 2 with all the destructive capabilities -preserved in the odf's by Merough- and impressions from the original game. So if you have ever been at the brink of loosing a game, this ship can take out a base by itself easily without being invulnerable!

I was hoping this would be an addon for FahreS' truly awesome Project Blue of a few months back, but apparently not.

If you're into 2D fighters used in a 3D gaming environment, this might be something you'll consider. And of course, fans of "Blue Wish Resurrection Plus" (which I hadn't heard of until I read the above) will want to download this as well.


|| - Blue Hope - ||

-Information about this MOD
-Installation instructions

You have NO permission to change the model or other content and/or to release them.
Ask for authorisation: e-mail or ICQ-UIN (both under Contact).

1. Lightmaps
2. Wireframe, Build Button, Admirals Pic
3. New Weapon: Pulse
4. 2D-Borg-Textures

Information about this MOD_______________________________________________________________
This mod was made in close collaboration by Merough and FahreS,
it contains the ship Blue Hope, which is based on the Blue Hope from the game
Blue Wish Resurrection Plus by the x.x GameRoom

Installation instructions_____[4 Steps]__________________________________________________

1. Copy the files:


in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IITexturesRGB"



in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IISOD"



in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIbitmapsAdmiralsLogShipImages"



in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfships"



in your Armada2 directory to:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfweaponsPulse"


2. Choose a shipyard which should build this ship.
The advanced shipyard of the federation is fyard2.odf and is located here:
"...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IIodfstations"

-Open fyard2.odf with your Windows Texteditor (Notepad) or another Program like this.
Look for the text:

buildItem2 = "fspecial"
buildItem3 = "fbattle"

-Write under this entry: buildItem4 = "fwfait"

-Save the file and close it.


3. Choose the directory: "...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IItechtree".
Open the file "" with the Windows Texteditor and search "fbattle.odf 0".
-Write under this entry:

fwfait.odf 0

-Save the file and close it.

-Do not change the directory but open the file "" with the Texteditor.
Search following Entry:

fspecial.odf 2 fyard2.odf fresear2.odf // special (nebula class)

-Write under this entry:

fwfait.odf 0

-Save the file and close it.


4. Choose the directory: "...ActivisionStar Trek Armada IISprites".
open the file "gui_global.spr" with the Windows Texteditor.
Look for the entry:

b_fmining gbfmining 0 0 64 64
b_fsensor gbfsensor 0 0 64 64

-Write under this entry:

b_fwfait fwfaibb 0 0 64 64

-Search in the same file the entry:

fupgradew1 fedwireframe07 0 192 48 48
fupgradew2 fedwireframe07 48 192 48 48
fupgradew3 fedwireframe07 96 192 48 48
fupgradew4 fedwireframe07 144 192 48 48
fupgradew5 fedwireframe07 192 192 48 48

-Write under this entry:

fwfaitw1 fwfaiwf 160 0 80 80
fwfaitw2 fwfaiwf 0 80 80 80
fwfaitw3 fwfaiwf 80 80 80 80
fwfaitw4 fwfaiwf 80 0 80 80
fwfaitw5 fwfaiwf 0 0 80 80

-Save the file and close it.

-Do not change the directory but open the file "weapon.spr" with the Texteditor.
Search the following entry:

# Chain Reaction Pulsar
wchainpulse wchainpulse 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

# Federation Photon torpedo
//quantum torpedo only
wbluephoton wfbluetorp 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x4

-Write under this entry:

# Faiter Pulse
fwfaitw fwfaitw 0 0 32 32 @anim=tex4x1

-Save the file and close it.

-Do not change the directory but open the file "lights.spr" with the Texteditor.
Search the following entry:

#Dilithium Moon Glow Sprites
@sprite_node oreglow dmoonglow moonpulse (40,40) (0,0,0) billboard
@sprite_node dmooninf dmoonglow infpulse (40,40) (0,0,0) billboard

-Write under this entry:

#fait roter Glow
@sprite_node fwfagl softglow const (3.0,3.0) (0.1,0.01,0) billboard

-Save the file and close it.



Textures - FahreS
Wireframe, Buildbutton - FahreS
ShipImage - Merough
new SOD - FahreS
adapted ODF - Merough
Lightmaps - FahreS
New Weapon:
Pulse Texture - FahreS
Pulse odf - Merough
Glows - FahreS
Pictures - Merough

Questions to:
ICQ: 409998404

This file is in no way connected to, or affiliated with Activision,
its employees, representatives, consortiums, or other persons or
companies associated with them. Therefore, the creators of this file,
Activision, and its subsidiares take no responsibilty for harm this
file may do to your computer.

Have fun with the Blue Hope!

FahreS & Merough

*/ / / / / / / / / / / / /*
*/ / / / / / / / / / / / /*

Version    Author  Merough and FahreS  Website  Website external 
Downloads  227  Size  2.48 MB  Created  2008-07-03 



#1 Intrepid781 2008-07-03 16:58
Lol! gee, I couldn't imagine FahreS making something with so much firepower, whoda thought?? :D
#2 dan1025 2008-07-04 04:46
While I havn't heard of the game its from, the design looks good and the weapon textures in the pics also look great. Worth a download :-)

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