Nexum class Nexum class

(9 votes)
ArcherScott, 2007-02-14

This is an update on the already available Nexum class, that allows you to construct map objects.

Nexum Class - Version 2.

Some people asked for a vessel that could build all resources from one vessel: here it is!

Introducing the splendid, the delightful, the delicious: Ultimate Nexum Class pack!

Starfleet have upgraded the Nexum Class to enable it to build ALL map resources from one ship.

Nexum Class - Mark. Two launched successfully amid fanfares from Space Station McKinley - on Stardate 74656.

It can build dilithium, metal and latinum rocks filled with resources. Perfect for top-ups or bait other opponents'
frieghters. To keep the RTS element you must place them carefully as you can lure your enemy into the ultimate honey trap!

As the rocks look like various spatial objects this will cause confusion as they will not appear on the mini-map
- but your opponent can see them. "Where did that come from?" Use thier hesitation to cast ultimate doom!!

You can also place the resources where they are best for you rather than you go find them. None of the rocks are infinite -
this balances the RTS/AI element. You can decommision them when they become empty and build them back!

So successful has the upgrade been that other races have sent agents to steal plans. When Starfleet sent the plans to the
Klingons to share; Romulan Tal-Sh'air operatives snuck onboard and were successful in getting copies of the blueprints.

Even 8472 agents (posing as humans) have inflitrated Starfleet HQ to clone a version of it, this will make bio-matter nebulas
for them.

The Borg assimalated the prototype during one launch test and have incorparated the technology into their own. They have
renamed the Class 'Creator'.


First decide which race you wish to give the Nexum Class to. All races can have it if desired. Each race has altered the name
slightly so it will not be Nexum Class to every-one.

If you only want the Feds to have it use the Nexum Class folder or for Klingons use Argokna Class folder.

**Only 8472 can build the biomatter nebulas!!**
**The Borg will not build the latinum rock**

Each resource will have the races' prefix for the construction ship for that race to build it;
i.e. bdith, bmet, fmet, fdith etc...


Install the desired race(s) odf to odf/ships.
SOD to SOD folder.
bitmap to bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages.
BorgTextures to Textures/RGB

Decide where the ship will be built. Will you choose your starbase or a shipyard?


buildItemXX = "fnexum2"

XX = Next number in sequence.

For Species 8472, use the file to overwrite the mother unit so Nexum can be built there! If you use an active embryo then its
designation/name takes priority over the new. It applies to all ships evolved through them.

1) Techtree Entries:

Locate techtree folder and open under each last ship of each individual race:

fnexum2.odf 1 fbase // nexum class two

rnexo.odf 1 rbase // nexo class

cnexump.odf 1 cbase // nexumprime class

bcreator.odf 1 bbase // creator

karg.odf 1 kbase // argokna class

species_8742.nexum.odf 1 species8472_mother.odf // 8472 nexum

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

Save and close and repeat for (each entry under its own race)

fnexum2.odf 0

rnexo.odf 0

karg.odf 0

cnexump.odf 0

bcreator.odf 0

species_8472.nexum.odf 0

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

2) Locate Sprite Folder and open gui_global; scroll to the Feds and enter under last Fed ship:

b_fnexum2 gbfconst 0 0 64 64

Do the same for every last ship of each individual race:

b_rnexo gbfconst 0 0 64 64

b_karg gbfconst 0 0 64 64

b_bcreator gbfconst 0 0 64 64

b_species8472_nexum gb8472_defender 0 0 64 64

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

Now add the Wireframes: (Under last entry of each race's last ship)

fnexum2w1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
fnexum2w2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
fnexum2w3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
fnexum2w4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
fnexum2w5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

kargw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
kargw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
kargw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
kargw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
kargw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

bcreatorw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
bcreatorw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
bcreatorw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
bcreatorw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
bcreatorw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

cnexumpw1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
cnexumpw2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
cnexumpw3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
cnexumpw4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
cnexumpw5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

rnexow1 fedwireframe03 0 144 48 48
rnexow2 fedwireframe03 48 144 48 48
rnexow3 fedwireframe03 96 144 48 48
rnexow4 fedwireframe03 144 144 48 48
rnexow5 fedwireframe03 192 144 48 48

8472_nexumw1 8472wireframe02 0 144 48 48
8472_nexumw2 8472wireframe02 48 144 48 48
8472_nexumw3 8472wireframe02 96 144 48 48
8472_nexumw4 8472wireframe02 144 144 48 48
8472_nexumw5 8472wireframe02 192 144 48 48

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

save and close gui_global.



Who gets the goodies? You can choose one, two or ALL!!

8472 - resource:

**You must install the Bio-Matter Nebula for Maps folder FIRST, so 8472 can access the 'buildable' nebula.**

To install:

1) The file bionebula.sod to the SOD folder.
2) The 3 .odf files to the odf\other folder.

Now you can add the Buildable Bio-Matter Nebulas:

add odfs to odf/stations.
SODs to SOD Folder
bitmaps to bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages

++So those with Map Editor can place the map Bio-Matter Nebulas on their own maps or stock ones as originally intended!++

Other races' Nexum Class has a Resource Folder for that race; place the files as below.
I.e. Feds have Resources A
Borg have Resources B etc....

add odfs to odf/stations.
SODs to SOD Folder
bitmaps to bitmaps/AdmiralsLog/ShipImages

Relocate techtree folder and re-open

Add under each races last stations the following:

fdith.odf 0 // dilithium rock
fmet.odf 0 // metal rock
flat.odf 0 // latinum rock

kdith.odf 0 // klingon dilithium
kmet.odf 0 // klingon metal
klat.odf 0 // klingon latinum

cdith.odf 0 // cardie dith
clat.odf 0 // cardie metal
clat.odf 0 // cardie latte

rdith.odf 0 // rommie dith
rmet.odf 0 // rommie metal
rlat.odf 0 // rommie latinum

bdith.odf 0 // grid resource 027
bmet.odf 0 // grid resource 223

8472_bio.odf 0 // species 8472 bio nebulas

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

Save and close, now re-open and after each race's last station add:

fdith.odf 0
fmet.odf 0
flat.odf 0

kdith.odf 0
kmet.odf 0
klat.odf 0

clat.odf 0
cmet.odf 0
cdith.odf 0

rmet.odf 0
rdith.odf 0
rdith.odf 0

8472_bio.odf 0

bdith.odf 0
bmet.odf 0

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

Save and close.

Relocate Sprite folder and after each race's last station add:

b_fdith gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_fmet gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_flat gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64

b_kdith gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_kmet gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_klat gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64

b_cdith gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_cmet gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_clat gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64

b_rdith gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_rmet gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_rlat gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64

b_bdith gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64
b_bmet gbbcruise1 0 0 64 64

b_8472_bio gb8472_Mine 0 0 64 64

(Align entires to match each races existing entries)

There you go Nexum class is ready for you to use.




Archerscott - all odf changes - I have simply altered what was in game to make the ultimate resource building machine!
Chiletrek - Biomatter Nebulas (many thanks for letting me include them!!)
Actvision - vessel SODS, textures etc and spatial objects. (Thanks for a great game!!)

Version  v2  Author  ArcherScott  Website   
Downloads  453  Size  969.28 KB  Created  2007-02-14 



#1 gdata 2007-02-15 08:49
Its a very long readme!
#2 ameba 2007-02-15 10:16
it is and that is because its detailed. good work . (ok, first section is about how proud he is, but thats ok, isnt it?)
#3 archerscott 2007-02-15 13:39
@1 Yes, it's a long readme because it is for ALL SIX races.

But you don't need to add all six so just select the race you want and delete the rest.

@2 You should always praise yourself wherever possible. I am proud of the detail I accomplished in under a weekend.

(the next phase is making my own models etc)

I have all six nexums becuase there are times extra resources come in handy for all!

Do bait the AI freighters!!
#4 archerscott 2007-02-15 13:42
I did submit screenshots - should I re-submit them? Perhaps they got lost in the server issue we had?

:sad: :o
#5 Chiletrek 2007-02-15 13:59

I was looking forward to see this online, archerscott did only spoil me a bit of this so I will download this mod now.

Good work and it's great your readme, the more detailed, the best 10/10
#6 Ramrod_the_Destroyer 2007-02-16 11:55
Nice to see an update for this. I've used the original time and time again, and now that the six originals all have should make things very interesting.

Love it. 8)
#7 Limon36 2007-02-19 14:23
If you wish to add in your own mod, then please ask permission from the modder and upload it seperately. Putting your own work up within someone else's comment section is not on and is in essence, advertising for your own work which is a breach of one of the commenting rules. This is your only warning, do not do this again - Joelteon7
#8 archerscott 2007-02-20 12:51
@ 5 + 6,

Thanks for your kind comments!

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