Maltes ship pack Maltes ship pack

(1 vote)
malte91, 2007-05-07

This pack contains several new ships, notably the USS Stargazer and Sela's warbird. There are also a number of traditionally outfitted (heavily armed) Klingon ships of varying classes.

//This ship pack would replace nothing from the original game, but it could overwrite things from other mods if they have the same file name.
//and it could overwrite some special weapons but i haven change anything of the special weapons so you can overwrite them.
//I made new ships for the klingons and the USS Stargazer and Selas Warbird. (From Armada2)

//The ships has new sods and more weapons.


//first kopie the sods, odfs, textures and shipimages into the right directionary.

//then open Techtree\tech1

//and fill in under the federation ships:

fstar.odf 0 // USS Stargazer

//then under the klingon ships:

kgowron.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf
kbattle2r.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf
kbattler.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf
kcruise1.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf
kassaultr.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf
kcruise2r.odf 2 kyard2.odf kresear2.odf
kcruise3r.odf 2 kyard2.odf kupgrade.odf

//then under the romulan ships

rsela.odf 2 ryard2.odf rupgrade.odf

//close the tech1 and open sprites\gui_global and search for the buildbuttons of the federation fill in at the bottom of them:

b_fstar gbfstar 0 0 64 64

//then search for the buttons of the klingons and fill in at the bottom:

b_kbattler gbkbattler 0 0 64 64
b_kbattle2r gbkbattle2r 0 0 64 64
b_kassaultr gbkassauktr 0 0 64 64
b_kcruise1r gbcruise1r 0 0 64 64
b_kcruise2r gbcruise2r 0 0 64 64
b_kcruise3r gbcruise3r 0 0 64 64
b_kgowron gbkgowron 0 0 64 64

//then search for the romulan build buttons and fill in at the botttom:

b_rsela gbrsela2 0 0 64 64

//then close the gui_global file.
//if you want to build this ships in a yard open the yard file and fill in
//under buildItemx

buildItemx = "rsela"


buildItemx = "kgowron"

//the x stand for a number for example a yard has
//buildItem0 = "fdestroy"
//buildItem1 = "kcruise1"
//buildItem2 = "kcruise2"
//then the x must be a 3

//this mod has no wirframes but maybe i make some in the future.


if someone have problems or Questions my email is

you can use this in your mod but please credit me.

the Sods, odfs, textures, and shipimages by Malte Erve.

Version    Author  malte91  Website   
Downloads  423  Size  1.75 MB  Created  2007-05-07 



#1 ameba 2007-05-07 09:13
oh how i would like to see the ships before i decide to dl this mod... malte, beim nächsten mal bilder mitschicken, ok?
#2 ameba 2007-05-07 11:45
//"I made new ships for the klingons" - that made me think he actually made some.
#3 Joelteon7 2007-05-07 11:53
I believe these are odf mods, so other than the Constellation (Captain Fingers), nothing new to see.
#4 Major_A_Payne 2007-05-07 23:02
No Joel. I don't think it is Cp's Conny as I don't recognise the texture, but then it has been a while.

All round, not a bad effort. Could certainly do with some quality klink models though.
#5 malte91 2007-05-09 09:16
the ships are with new sods and odf but they are just changed old sods.

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