Armada 2 ship pack Armada 2 ship pack

(2 votes)
Aad Moerman, 2012-06-18

This folder contains the 2 stock Ferengi ships. I've included wireframes, buildbuttons, SOD and ODF files in case someone would like to use them
as playable ships. Also 2 Klingon and 4 Cardassian ships.

Some knowledge of modding is required when you want to add the 2 Ferengi ships as playable ships.

The Cardassian ships were intended for Zero Hour. For these items the following conditions apply:

Usage Policy

These files are sanctioned for reuse in other Armada II Modifications through free distribution. Such the distributor need not contact me directly, though they will at all times, without excuse include this complete ReadMe in such a re-released file / completion project.

Unless specifically stated, these files are solely for Armada II use, and will not be converted to any other game, or for any other use without express permission. Conversion of these files is authorised only after acknowledgement by me.

Unless otherwise stated, these files are exclusive to FileFront, and should not be hosted elsewhere.

- Contact:

Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, because files in this folder will overwrite stock files!



As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.

All meshes, textures, etc are by me.
The SOD files of the Cardassian ships were made by Thomas Bernardy a.k.a Tommygun.
Visit his mod's page at:

kbloodwing and kkron original design and modeling by Don Woligroski (Cleeve).
Visit his mod's page at:


Please note:

I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding this model.


You may use this ship in your mod, just give credit where its due.


Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright
Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Thank you for downloading.

This folder contains the 2 stock Ferengi ships. I've included wireframes, buildbuttons, SOD and ODF files in case someone would like to use them
as playable ships. Also 2 Klingon and 4 Cardassian ships.

Some knowledge of modding is required when you want to add the 2 Ferengi ships as playable ships.

The Cardassian ships were intended for Zero Hour. For these items the following conditions apply:

Usage Policy

These files are sanctioned for reuse in other Armada II Modifications through free distribution. Such the distributor need not contact me directly, though they will at all times, without excuse include this complete ReadMe in such a re-released file / completion project.

Unless specifically stated, these files are solely for Armada II use, and will not be converted to any other game, or for any other use without express permission. Conversion of these files is authorised only after acknowledgement by me.

Unless otherwise stated, these files are exclusive to FileFront, and should not be hosted elsewhere.

- Contact:

Important Note:
Make a backup of your existing files, because files in this folder will overwrite stock files!



As allways, thanks to Wrath of Achilles for his Texture Tutorial and Major A Payne for his SodTutorial.

All meshes, textures, etc are by me.
The SOD files of the Cardassian ships were made by Thomas Bernardy a.k.a Tommygun.
Visit his mod's page at:

kbloodwing and kkron original design and modeling by Don Woligroski (Cleeve).
Visit his mod's page at:


Please note:

I cannot be hold responsible for any damage or problems otherwise regarding this model.


You may use this ship in your mod, just give credit where its due.


Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright
Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Thank you for downloading.


Installation instructions

Copy the sod files into the sod folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.

Copy the odf shipfile into the odf ship folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.

Copy the odf weaponfiles

Open the weapon folder of Armada II --> open phasers folder and put the files there.

Copy the shipimage -->

Open the Bitmaps folder of Armada II --> open Admiralslog --> open ShipImages and put the image there. When prompted
to overwrite, click 'yes'.

Open the RGBfolder -->
put the tga into the texture RGB folder of Armada II. When prompted to overwrite, click 'yes'.

( I include the MS3D files for those who are interested.)

Open ARmada 2 ODF-folder --> open the station folder

Open the cyard file -->
add under the list of builditems:

buildItemXx = "ckondal" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
buildItemXx = "cnorin" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
buildItemXx = "ctonga" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)

Open the cyard2 file -->
add under the list of builditems:

buildItemXx = "cbakrus" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)

Open the kyard file -->
add under the list of builditems:

buildItemXx = "kbloodwing" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)
buildItemXx = "kkron" ( The X stands for the next number on the list)

Open techtree folder -->

Open tech1 file -->

under Cardassian ships add:

cbakrus.odf 2 cyard2.odf cupgrade.odf // battlecruiser (bakrus class)
ckondal.odf 2 cyard.odf cresear.odf // cruiser (kondal class)
cnorin.odf 2 cyard.odf cresear.odf // light cruiser (norin class)
ctonga.odf 2 cyard.odf cresear.odf // cruiser (tonga class)

under Klingon ships add:

kbloodwing.odf 2 kyard.odf kresear.odf // cruiser (Bloodwing Class)
kkron.odf 2 kyard.odf kresear.odf // heavy cruiser (Kron Class)

Open fulltech file -->

add under cardassian:

cbakrus.odf 0
ckondal.odf 0
cnorin.odf 0
ctonga.odf 0

add under Klingon:

kbloodwing.odf 0
kkron.odf 0

Open Sprites --> open gui_global

find the lines:

# Cardassian build buttons

add below that list:

b_cbakrus gbcbakrus 0 0 64 64
b_ckondal gbckondal 0 0 64 64
b_cnorin gbcnorin 0 0 64 64
b_ctonga gbctonga 0 0 64 64


find the lines:

# Klingon build buttons

add below that list:

b_kbloodwing gbkbloodwing 0 0 64 64
b_kkron gbkkron 0 0 64 64


find the lines:

# Cardassian wireframes

@reference=128 (if not present, just add the reference)

add below that list:

cbakrusw1 wfcbakrus 0 0 128 128

ckondalw1 wfckondal 0 0 128 128

cnorinw1 wfcnorin 0 0 128 128

ctongaw1 wfctonga 0 0 128 128


find the lines:

# Klingon wireframes

@reference=128 (if not present, just add the reference)

add below that list:

kbloodwingw1 wfkbloodwing 0 0 128 128

kkronw1 wfkkron 0 0 128 128


Finally you've completed the job.

Version    Author  Aad Moerman  Website   
Downloads  483  Size  14.21 MB  Created  2012-06-18 



#1 Adm_Zaxxon 2012-08-04 07:16
Nice work man! :thumbsup:

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