Vor'Cha Class Variants Vor'Cha Class Variants

(4 votes)
Chiletrek, 2006-08-13

What we have here is essentially 3 mods into one package. In a low-down:

Vor'Cha variant No.1 - This is a power upgrade of your stock Vor'Cha which boasts additional weaponry, including a torpedo and heavy disruptor. Other then that, no other noticeable changes. Essentially, this change makes it the most powerful type 1 cruiser in game now. They're Klingons though, so it makes sense. You can't exactly have one with few weapons, can you now?

The other two work on some designs seen by the developer. The following two variants have new textures and different "head" modules.

Vor'Cha variant No.2 - This carries an ECM generator, capable of disrupting the enemies sensors making them have to get in closer to better target your ships. This is idea is quite a sound one, allowing the fleet, presumably at that time, of Bird of Prey's to swing in for the kill and deliver a lethal dose to the enemy. I can see this being quite useful later on in the game too. Perhaps on a base assualt.

Vor'Cha variant No.3 - This enables the Vor'Cha to carry a wing of Nuq'Duj fighters at the enemy, similar to the Cardassians weapon of allowing small attack drones to be launched from the ship and be used as additional fire support against the enemy. Whilst not being useful in fleet action, I believe this would be good for that particular Vor'Cha if it were engaged with a larger capital ship or a stationary target, such as a mining station.

Together, the three would likely be a lethal force and I feel as if this mod has been executed very well. The two new variants come with buildbuttons, wireframes and admiral pics, making this a complete mod. This is a very worthy addition to a Klingon commander and the empire. Download now.

Klingon Vor'Cha Class variants:

I am Chiletrek and this mod contains two kitbashes (the first) I made from the Vor'Cha Class Cruiser to recreate two models I saw on the Internet of other forward Modules.
Some years ago, when I was given a model kit of the Vor'Cha I read in the instructions that the forward Module is ejectable and interchangeable; Now, few days ago I saw a picture of the ship in the Internet with extra modules, so I wanted to try making this new designs, this is my vision of them.

Things I made:

1) An update of the Vor'Cha's texture that will make the ships look like they do in DS9 (all variants use the same one).
2) New models along with a buildbutton, wireframe, Admiral's Log pic and ODF.
3) This Read me with detailed instructions to make this mod fully playable.

Installation Instructions:

1) Unzip the contents of this file on a temporary folder.

2) Open your Star Trek Armada II folder.

3) Copy kvorcha2.sod & kvorcha3.sod and paste them in your SOD folder.

4) Copy kvorcha2.bmp & kvorcha3.bmp and paste them in your \bitmaps\AdmiralsLog\ShipImages folder.

5) Copy all seven .tga files, and paste them in your \Textures\RGB folder.

6) Copy kcruise1.odf, kvorcha2.odf & kvorcha3.odf and paste them in your \odf\ships folder.

7) Copy gECM.odf & gkfighters.odf and paste them in your \odf\special_weapons folder.

8) Open your Sprites folder and open gui_global.spr with Notepad.

9) Search for: # Klingon build buttons

10) Paste these lines:
b_kvorcha2 gbkvorcha2 0 0 64 64
b_kvorcha3 gbkvorcha3 0 0 64 64

below the last klingon build button.

11) Now Search for: # Klingon wireframes

12) Paste these lines:
kvorcha2w1 kvorcha2wire 256 256 256 256

kvorcha3w1 kvorcha3wire 256 256 256 256

below the last Klingon wireframe.

- To add the Vor'Cha variants to the Map Editor:

13) Open your \odf\other folder.

14) Search and open with Notepad the file: ek_ncomb.odf (it has more free space, use this one if you don't know how o create a new sub-menu).

15) add these line below the last line:
item6 = "kvorcha2"
item7 = "kvorcha3"

- To add the ships to the klingon shipyard:

16) Go to your odf\stations folder and open kyard.odf with Notepad, search the Construction Parameters and add:

buildItem7 = "kvorcha2"
buildItem8 = "kvorcha3" , be careful that the numbers cannot be repeated and be in order.

- Techtrees:

17) Open your techtree folder, find tech1.tt and open it with Notepad.

18) Go find the last Klingon ship, and just below add this:

kvorcha2.odf 1 kresear.odf
kvorcha3.odf 1 kresear.odf

19) And add:
gECM.odf 1 klipod2.odf
gkfighters.odf 1 klipod2.odf

Below the last Klingon Special Weapon

20) Now Open your fulltech.tt, also with notepad and find the last Klingon entry to add:

kvorcha2.odf 0
kvorcha3.odf 0

gECM.odf 0
gkfighters.odf 0

21) Pheewwww, Finally, you are ready to enjoy this mod, I'm sorry to make such long read me but it was neccesary to avoid problems. I hope you like these ships, they can be very useful and can help you obtain victory in a closed pitched battle.


1) Gene Roddenberry: For creating the Star Trek saga. Thank you very much!

2) Activision and Mad-Doc Software: For making the game.

3) The Vor'Cha variants were created by me from a picture downloaded by my brother, so I cannot give proper credits, my apologies for that and if you know who made the picture of the ECM and Fighters Modules, please send me an E-mail and I will update this mod asap.

4) Epytron Omega: He taught me how to make wireframes and for his support.

5) Atlantis: His support has been more than useful.

6) You: For taking your time to take a look at my mod :)


Any doubts, questions or suggestions, you can E-mail me at: astro_nejiro at hotmail.com

I am not responsible for any type of damage, either for virus or for the use of this MOD.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Trek Armada II, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,
Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version    Author  Chiletrek  Website   
Downloads  513  Size  1.18 MB  Created  2006-08-13 



#1 HMS_Frontier 2006-08-13 09:33
This First Klingon Mod Ive Ever Dowload And There Quite Good 8/10
#2 Chiletrek 2006-08-13 11:38

I'm really happy to see my Vor'Cha pack online, thanks. And thanks for the comments, any one is appreciate since this can help everybody to improve our mods. :-)

The wireframes looks great ingame, the problem is that I took the pictures before I made the wireframes :-P

I also made a Negh'Var pack of my own with the Voodieh and the Endgame Variant. I hope you like it too.

I really hope this pack improve your enjoyment of the game!
#3 ameba 2006-08-14 07:47
thanks chiletrek

that goes straight in my personal mod and kicks out some leftover stock....
#4 Doom369 2006-08-16 10:21
this is a nice mod. it's nice to have the variants. good job. I didn't use the texture though since I also redid the texture, although it's still unfinished.
#5 Chiletrek 2006-08-16 12:55

Thanks for the comments, I'm really happy that you like my mod and I hope these ships can be useful to defeat the enemies of the Empire.
#6 Chiletrek 2006-10-05 10:03

When I could learn a bit more about Milkshape and kitbashing, I was able to enhance the models for these variants. I hope you enjoy my mod and the patch that contains (only) the new models.


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